Corporate Communism and the Coronavirus Cottage Industry
It’s not hard to imagine these days… a communist authoritarian state, the unspoken envy of the multi-national corporate state, with global conquest ambitions developing a highly effective secret weapon, an electrical field/shield with the super power ability to deflect any and all incoming missiles from hostile enemy states enabling it to forcefully pursue it’s (belt road) global conquests, quickly winning a world war three and then, in order to maintain iron fist control of the world population, massively releasing a lethal bio-bacterial (gain of function?) weapon into the atmosphere via “plague bombs” that quickly spreads the “deadly disease” to every corner of the globe, making every living man, woman and child deathly ill… leaving them all to die a slow, painful, agonizing death… that is, until the communist entity announces that, in it’s twisted beneficence, it has created a vaccine antidote that will instantly stop the suffering… and they’d be happy to share it with you as long as you sign on the “social credit score” dotted line, swear allegiance to the communist father land, obey all the strict do’s and don’t regulations and get the mandatory skin implant chip/smart phone tracking app to monitor everything you do, when you did it and who you did it with. Oh, and by the way, you will also need to get the life saving vaccine booster shot once a month or it’s off to slow, painful death land you go. (Sorry Bill, the commies beat you to it!) Brilliant. “Get the vax or die, pinhead! Next!”

In 1955, this is exactly the scenario Jerry Sohl envisioned taking place in 1969, just fourteen years later, in his sci-fi novel, Point Ultimate… and the Manumit, a small scattered group of those who had a natural immunity to the communist bio-disease who didn’t need to take the monthly vaccine and were considered enemies of the commie state, primarily because of their willingness to fight and die for outlawed freedom even if they had to go to Mars to do it. So Elon, Ayn, Kurzweilian! I unapologetically confess I’m not much of a reader of fiction, let alone science fiction, so how this particular book found it’s way to the top of a stack of books I intended to peruse before selling it at vintage swap was a serendipitous mystery to me. Cosmically perfect timing! This was April 2020, only a few weeks into the mandated “shelter in place” lockdown. Needless to say, due to the curious timing and my earlier psy-op suspicions, I was intrigued and deeper down the rabbit hole I went.
It was 5 am when I pulled into to my monthly space at the PCC Flea Market for a day of vintage sales and swap meet socializing. Star Date, Sunday March 1st, 2020. After exchanging pleasantries, my current affairs and vinyl vendor neighbor, who’s dual-citizen wife grew up in Hong Kong, asks me, “have you noticed how we’re not hearing much about the Hong Kong protests anymore?”, a reference to the possibility that the tsunami of media attention then being given to the “novel” corona virus was also sucking all the air and attention off the Hong Kong protest impasse. Poor Communist China. All those months and months and months of never ending HK protesters continuing to fight for their right to a free and democratic society as 2019 rolled over into 2020… making the communist Chinese government the international center of attention as the world watched and waited to see just how the communist rulers would handle this embarrassing and escalating situation now that previous Tiananmen tactics were no longer an option… Hmmm, a coronavirus, face saving solution to the rescue?! With Communist China’s increasingly heavy handed crackdown on the democratic demands of the Hong Kong protests since then, it’s certainly looking like the corona chaos might have been a perfectly timed (premeditated?) opportunity after all, as China now puts Taiwan in it’s crosshairs. But were there other actors involved, other entities patiently waiting inside the carefully constructed covid trojan horse for their cue to exit and exploit? Or rather, who were the other actors involved and what did they hope to gain?

Having sensed a psychological operation in the making due to previous experience with Cheney/Rumsfeld’s “Project for the New American Century” > 9-11/Iraq War, 2011 Facebook/Arab Spring, etc, etc; the possibility that the communist rulers found a most fortuitous gain of bat virus solution to the Hong Kong protest problem had crossed my mind several times in the early months of the covid panic… as had all the noise now resurfacing about Obama’s “cease and desist” order in 2014 to Ralph Baric’s questionable bio-chem, “gain of function” corona virus research that had been taking place at the University of North Carolina and at American BSL-4 military labs, apparently with Anthony Fauci’s professorship oversight, before being clandestinely moved to the Chinese Wuhan BSL-4 virus lab to continue it’s “novel” corona virus research, and by now, conveniently out of reach of meddling US government oversight. Too fantastic to be true? Josh Rogin, a journalist with Politico, recently reported in his article, “In 2018, Diplomats Warned of Risky Coronavirus Experiments in a Wuhan Lab. No One Listened.” Try as they might, The Medical Industrial Media just can’t seem to make the very real possibility of a gain of function research virus finding it’s way through lax lab security and into a high density city, go away. The link above to the Italian article on BSL-4 labs is especially alarming.
Interesting. I’d also been noticing a growing pattern over the years, a whispered declaration of sorts, the soon to be blossoming vaccine “habituation” campaign to keep society in the ever-growing vaccine orbit indefinitely… “Habituation to a Vaccine Nation”: the growth in “vaccine” media mentions with the subtext of magic vaccine superiority as the near future solution to all of societies health issues… priming the vax pump with increasing warnings over the last twenty plus years of an inevitable 1918 style flu virus pandemic recurrence; the media and parental hysteria over the Disneyland measles “outbreak” in 2015 as the “CDC reports near record for measles” in 2014… a measly 644 cases, accompanied by the pre-covid dress rehearsal chorus of parental hysteria; the December 2019 “Event 201” pandemic planning exercises carried out by the Bill and Melinda, USA and Communist Chinese funded World Health Organization; the predictable increase in the “Medicine Avenue” media marketing campaigns to get an annual “free” flu vaccine (annual habituation ritual, cool!) as a preventive measure, rather than promoting a healthy diet and lifestyle as the path to immune system integrity; the trend of hospitals and some workplaces beginning to mandate all employees getting an annual flu shot; the 400% increase of mandated vaccinations added to American school children’s “vaccination schedule” since the passage of the 1986 Vaccine Manufacturer’s Indemnification Act (originally named the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act then changed to the Vaccine Industry Compensation Program/VICP), which indemnified (not liable for damages/death due to use of product) vaccine manufactures and institutionalized government enabled Big-Pharma, “moral hazard” exploitation… ie, “protected from your own misconduct”, as David Cay Johnston would say regarding moral hazard written into financial legislation, but just as applicable to iatrogenic death by medical products and services. And for even greater moral hazard temptation, what say we throw in the 2005 PREP Act – more government legislated indemnification from misconduct that we the tax payers fund, allowing this Covid Cottage Industry even greater moral hazard protection to hide behind. “Privatize the profits, socialize/externalize the risk”. Hell Ya! The Corporate Free Market, Commie Propaganda style… brings out the Machiavelli in me!
Habituation through PR/propaganda campaigns basically has a similar effect on the subconscious mind as an addiction has on the body; it may take a little longer to kick in, but kicking in is guaranteed. As the body becomes addicted to a substance, the mind, thru marketing, propaganda and/or social engineering, becomes slowly indoctrinated/habituated to a desired belief until it becomes a part of our/societies self identity and we are absolutely confirmation biased convinced of it’s certainty; in this case, the unquestioning superiority of vaccines to manage disease despite the ever increasing embarrassments to the contrary (recent proof, paragraph after next). Any challenges to the carefully crafted AMA/Big-Pharma vaccine narrative are instantly discredited by the medical “experts”, who are often on Big-Pharma’s payroll. Concerning covid, the physicians with real time patient practices who have bravely come forward with proven success managing the disruptive disease using Ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine and asthma steroids are instantly demonized and discredited by these well paid pharmaceutical, medical “experts” and by politicians campaign funded by Big-Pharma lobbyists. The medical media insists that we trust their “experts” as it goes out if it’s way to shame, as “covid deniers”, those who dare to question the narrative, to challenge the Operation Wrap Speed race for the Savior Vaccine as the only remedy to the social and economic disruption caused by the media’s intentional fear generated over-reaction to covid. It feels more like a campaign against soon to be outlawed Critical Thinking. Fortunately, the vax path to medical nirvana is being exposed for what it is, a false religion with PhD priests preaching a gospel of long held germ theory assumptions as the previously discredited cell/terrain theory rises from obscurity due to the real science currently going on with microbiome gut research and the discovery of the elegant complexity of our immune system. The slow but inevitable exposure of the coronavirus cottage industry and attempts at cover-up will most likely make the recent/continuing revelations of the Sackler/Perdue Big-Pharma OxyContin opiode promotion look like a minor event.
But once again, scientific “expert” arrogance flexes it’s willful ignorance muscles, just as it did in the mid 1800’s when Ignaz Semmelweis, an assistant director at the Vienna First Obstetrical Clinic, was greeted with hostile responses from his academic medical peers for his heretical epiphany that his fellow physician’s unclean hands and unclean surgical tools (going from the university morgue to the maternity ward?! Yuk!!) were responsible for spreading a deadly disease that was killing his female patients at the clinic. His discovery that patient deaths could be dramatically reduced by simple common sense hygiene – by a thorough washing of hands and surgical instruments before interactions with hospital patients, was met by incredulous callousness as it challenged the all knowing doctor’s egregious assumption that their professional and academic status would magically absolve them as being carries of any disease, deadly or not; and a most perfect example of the danger of blind, unquestioning adherence to the selective/subjective “science” embedded in our scientific/medical institutions. Semmelweis eventually went mad from frustration during his twenty year crusade and clash with the dubious “expert” physicians and was committed to a mental institution where he was beaten by the guards, most likely due to his inclination to freely express his righteous indignation for his years of professional mistreatment, and died there two weeks later. Today’s tip – one must be careful when challenging the true believer cancel culture, whether they be in denial about the hygienic benefit of clean hands, as they were in Semmelweis’s time, or the unquestioning expert-teased certainty of vaccine superiority in our time. Which brings us to this most recent pre-covid vaccine faux pas…
Misconduct by Big-Pharma?! This just in… I had no idea that the VICP indemnification act was now beginning to pay out big time due to reactions from the recently removed shingles vaccines, Zostavax and Shingrix, did you? And then there’s several countries in Africa and Asia where the AP News reported in 2019 that numerous cases of polio were actually caused by the polio vaccine! Vaccines, the greatest invention since chocolate milk? Suckers. Mind you, I’m not anti-vax, but I am definitely a “vaccine skeptic” due to the long, tainted history of vaccinations and I loudly add my voice to the growing chorus of those demanding real science and real, trustworthy research, free of Big-Pharma funding and influence… you know, the gold standard double blind studies that take years to produce, the ones Big-Vax has been fighting tooth and nail to never ever have done lest their credibility and moral hazard government funding and protection gets challenged. The 1986 Vaccine Industry Compensation Program (X- National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act) was created because the vax manufacturer’s were getting hit with, and losing, hundreds of lawsuits pre 1986. Not only was this making it impossible to generate profits, but I’d imagine, just like the nuclear reactor industry, they must have been finding it damn near impossible to get insurance coverage due to unceasing waves of litigation. When they threatened to quit the vaccine production business due to it’s exposure to litigation, the US Government came to the rescue with the VICP… the Vax Indemnification Act mentioned above. You wanna see Big-Pharma squeal like the greedy pig it is? Let’s start campaigning for the overdue repeal of the 1986 VICP and once again hold the vax manufactures responsible for any damages caused by their products, as the rushed to market coronavirus vaccines are now! Oink!!!
On a more sinister note, could it be that the Medical Industrial Complex is prioritizing the big bucks sale of proprietary covid vaccine production to world governments at the expense of human life? Just imagine, all those lives that could have been saved had early intervention prophylaxis protocols not been demonized and discredited as quack medicine by the corporate and indie media receiving either lots and lots of big-pharma advertisement money or had swallowed the vaccine habituation kool-aid long, long ago. The indie media’s Democracy Now, Ian’s Background Briefing, Thom Hartmann, Ralph Nader… even Bill Handle!! Alas. Well intentioned in their unshakeable confirmation bias I’m sure, and most blaming Trumpty Dumpty for each and every covid death despite the likelihood that even if Trump had acted impeccably (HA!!), many many covid deaths would still have happened due to America’s failing health care system enabled by the previous administrations. Sorry. It seems the “blame it all on Trumpty” crowd, that also includes usually sober politicians like Adam Schiff, is way overdue for a little self-reflection to get that self-righteous smugness off their faces. As you’ll recall, it was trump who initiated the life saving (?) “Operation Warp Speed” vaccine research. Thom Hartmann recently stated on his morning show, “we have an American genocide for purely political purposes”, in his continuing rant/effort to cast all the blame for covid deaths at the feet of Trump and the Republican Trumpsters. Yes, there is some truth to that if the defunding to our health care system is implied, but it would have been far more accurate to say, “we have an American genocide for purely pharmaceutical financial greed purposes… to sell a vax and to dig society deeper into the vortex of vaccine habituation”. Personal opinion. I think I gotta start my own Eisenhower Republican (= “Bernie-crat”) radio show just to piss of the Puber-Tea Party and the holier than thou branch of “progressive” party. As for the needless covid deaths due to this blatant pharma/media campaign to discredit and cover-up any and all existing, and in all cases much much less expensive, RX “off-label” drug competition to this possibly premeditated covid magic vax campaign… the real blame/shame is about to begin! it’s refreshing to see that the paperwork and documentation necessary for a long overdue, deep investigation into collusion by corporate and state entities is now being delivered. A little more on Reiner Fuellmich and his team in a moment.

Simple, effective ”off-label” solutions to manage “the deadly disease” were never, ever a part of the corporate commie’s fear mongering exclusive focus on the Warp Speed/Bill Gate’s race to “vaccinate every person” on the planet. This was never, ever about saving lives, let alone saving granny. This was exclusively about using fear and gullibility to make lots and lots of proprietary profit and accruing ever increasing dependence on the Medical Industrial Complex that is attempting to rob each and every one of us of our right to make our own health care choices, be they complimentary, allopathic, homeopathic, etc. Too much money, and too much power, are on the line. Ivermectin cures corona in three days? “Quack medicine!” Hydroxychloroquine? “Delusional Trump fake news!” Asthma steroids? “Get that Jesus freak doctor off the Texas TV NOW before he blows the whole thing and sinks the sales of the Magic Savior Corona Vax!!”… now available in 31 fear inducing flavors!
Heh heh heh, ya see, Big-Pharma with it’s ongoing Medicine Avenue PR campaign to create a vaccine dependent nation through slow, meticulous habituation, spends a whole lot of money for the ads, op-eds and the blatant pharmaceutically dictated puff pieces that find their way into the mainstream press, as well as scientific, peer reviewed publications. Gerald Posner, in his deep history expose of the dark side of Big-Pharma advertising, explores this in great detail in his 2020 book, “Pharma”. Why he is a little light on the vaccine issue… I suspect a story here. Regardless, it’s my opinion that the collusion of Big-Pharma’s financial influence on the corporate mainstream and indie media to discredit the potentially life saving early intervention/prophylaxis protocols successfully used by practicing physicians throughout the world, who, despite their brave attempts to publicize their findings throughout the pandemic and save lives, might just be the real story here. Forget about the economic effects of the “disruptive disease” for a moment… once again, how many lives could have been saved from death by covid had this not been about selling a savior Warp Speed vaccine… and/or managing Hong Kong political instability, all along? Can you say, “manslaughter”?! Yikes! Apparently this minor detail was overlooked by the designers of the 2019 Gates Foundation, WHO “Event 201” pandemic exercise just before the 2020 Covid Curtain rose for the first, but far from final act.

“I’ve never seen a vaccine rollout that preceded FDA approval” noted Dr. Lee Merritt in 2020 concerning Operation Warp Speed’s ability to circumvent thorough coronavirus vaccine safety tests. Well, when you are in the midst of a meticulously planned (opps, another oversight, logistics!) covid pandemic fear campaign and the tight propaganda Chinese/Gates/WHO timetable that goes along with it, ya gotta do what needs to be done to get that vax to market, sold and distributed, “hurry hurry hurry!” before public doubts, cognitive dissonance and global vaccine hesitancy sets in. Opps, too late! It seems that all that fear of going outside, “shelter in place” self-quarantine, had the unintended consequence of giving the fearful and the critically thinking with internet access, the luxury of time to go deep down the rabbit hole of vaccine research only to discover that many many vaccines ain’t quite what they are QUACKED up to be. (sorry, couldn’t resist) And in case you didn’t notice, China also kept it’s uppity rival, Taiwan, out of the January 2020 United Nations/WHO talks discussing best practices to manage the newly emerging “novel” coronavirus. Imagine how Taiwan’s hard earned advice, gained from managing two earlier coronavirus epidemics, could have helped save perhaps hundreds of thousands of lives globally, had pathologically insecure China allowed Taiwan to participate at that meeting (and ya thought Trump was bad!)… Taiwan, the country with one of the highest per capita population densities in the world, yet also one of the lowest in death by corona, using only masks, timely, selective quarantines and closing it’s borders while keeping it’s schools and economy open. Simple, effective solutions intentionally kept off the corporate media radar. Why? Interestingly, one of the largest hydroxychloroquine facilities in the world, coincidentally located in Taiwan, mysteriously burned to the ground in December 2020, making HCQ much less of a threat to the vaccine’s proprietary bottom line, and possibly to China’s next phase of it’s Belt Road global ambitions. Could another “gain of function”, handcrafted bio-product be waiting by the BSL-4 backdoor for the next “accidental” escapee opportunity? Have you noted President Xi’s current deep purge of any and all un-loyal dissenters within the ranks of the Chinese police and military as we speak? Very interesting. Taiwan seems unconcerned, but I do feel a big time shaming campaign directed at China coming on!!! China’s “social credit score” rating may soon be headed for ZERO! Now, how about the “social credit score” rating of the colluding Corporate Commies and the power mongering faux-lanthropists amongst them with their equally ambitious, authoritarian plans… Big-Pharma, Big-Tech, Bill and Melinda and the tabloid, Fear Mongering Media, as they patiently waited for that perfectly planned moment to spring from the coronavirus trojan horse just as it was rolled on to the world stage to carry out the profiteering part of their premeditated plan…
In the second to last chapter of Point Ultimate, the non conforming, commie hating, freedom loving protagonist, Emmett Keyes, is about to escape with his fellow “Manumit” to a desolate human colony on Mars. Just before lift-off, his compatriots reveal the dirty little communist control secret… (please note, some light revisions and emphasis from the original needed for clarity – DD)
“I don’t see how people live going for their booster every month, licking the Enemy boot. It’s — well, hideous is about the right word”, confides Emmett.
“Have you ever wondered how it happened you’re immune, Keyes?… the doctor simply failed to inoculate you at birth. The result? You’re immune”, casually comments his fellow exile, Gillis.
A confused Keyes says, “I’m afraid I don’t follow you.”
“What (Gillis) means to say is the doctor didn’t give you the plague bacillus”, explains Norton, another Manumit exile, to Keyes.
Gillis smiled. “I see you don’t know. Well, the newborn aren’t inoculated against the plague as the Enemy would have everyone believe… They’re inoculated with the plague.” (inoculated… vaccinated with the plague?! You don’t say! DD)
A stunned Keyes finally asks, “You mean babies are deliberately given the plague?”, as the impact of this truly demonic revelation sinks in.
“That’s right,” Norton said. “It’s one of the commies’ most closely guarded secrets” (hmmm. And strangely reminiscent of the vaccine schedule all American infants and school children have to submit too. DD)
Gillis nodded, “… in 1969… when the ‘plague bombs’ were dropped… those exposed to it at that time got the plague… it lasted their entire lifetime. They had to have booster shots once a month to prevent the onset of symptoms. But the threat of the plague for the people born after the bombs were dropped lasted only a few months. By 1970, newborn children were in no danger from it… But the Enemy hadn’t counted on that. They thought people would be forever exposed to the contagion… but when the plague lost it’s potency for the newborn… the Enemy decided to transmit the disease to the newborn by inoculation. Each child would be theirs to dominate, for it would be dependent on them for it’s freedom from the disease” (nheh heh heh… the Big-Pharma Master Plan!)
“I see,” Emmett said, as he suddenly understood “why the Communists insisted on birth permits, why they made it a law that all children must be born in hospitals”…

… and get their very first baby plague… er, uh “vaccinations” and start ‘em on the road to life long pharmaceutical drug dependency! Yippee!! Start the vaccine habituation while they’re young, and long before they have any idea they are being habituated! Oh the lengths that communist corporate pharmaceutical personhood will go to create a conform-unist society of people who don’t have the guts to ask questions and demand answers. And now that the cat, along with the corona (faux) bat, are now out of the bag…
I can’t help thinking that Bill and Melinda and their Belt Road buddy President Xi, kindred in their authoritarian ambitions and coincidentally both very active in the field of population control and billion dollar donations to the WHO, are hoping and praying that the investigative lawyer, Reiner Fuellmich – the attorney who busted Volkswagen for their diesel emission scandal a few years back, doesn’t find their fingerprints on any incriminating documents or emails yet to be tossed from The World Health Organization’s trash. It’s also highly likely that medical expert-tease in chief, Anthony Fauci, is also regularly attending these prayer meetings as reports of an expose book on his misdeeds is scheduled for June release! Who knows, maybe the mystery behind the population control funders of the Georgia Guidestones is also buried deep within the WHO’s archives as well. Naw! Most likely ties to the pre-World Economic Forum. As much as the world is exhausted and ready to be done with this corona chaos, unfortunately, it seems there are still many more chapters waiting to be revealed. Who, When, Why?
Your host, “Dismal Dave” Lancon saying – ask questions and demand answers, damnit!! Or get the fk out of the way of those who are. The days of apathy and/or willful, complicit ignorance really need to come to an end. Smile!
Dismal Dave Lancon © April 2021. All Rights Reserved. Part 4 of an ongoing coronavirus series. Gates President Xi photo/public domain US China Embassy, Point Ultimate photo/ dave lancon, all other photo/captions protected by US Copyright “Fair Use” satire exemptions. Blame it on Thomas Paine!
17 thoughts on “Corporate Communism and the Coronavirus Cottage Industry”
I could not refrain from commenting. Very well written!
Music to my ears! Thank you. I hope you also found it informative and that the links provided motivated you to dig deeper into the competing covid chaos narrative.
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Keep working ,terrific job!
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Thanks for your inquiry. Yes, you can get notified of fresh posts by subscribing to The FME.
whoah this blog is wonderful i love reading your posts. Keep up the good work! You know, lots of people are looking around for this information, you can help them greatly.
Thanks! Just doing my job to inform. Hopefully this has helped motivate you to address/return the sociopath that is “corporate personhood” into the junk “legal fiction” that created it. Only in America (and Iraq!!)! Alas.
This is a topic which is near to my heart…
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