

Greetings Ladies and Gentlemen and thank you for contacting The FME. Please be sure to specify exactly what you are contacting about. If you would prefer a return call or text message instead of email response, please indicate and include phone # and best times PST to call. FYI, I’ll respond within two to three days if you contact me thru the “comments” at the end of each post (2/26/24 assuming it gets sent to my email! Plug-ins seem to fail often!). If you choose to use “contact”, it may be several days/weeks before I respond since I don’t monitor this inbox often. Things can get kinda busy between treasure hunting, selling at Fleas and finish carpentry gigs. Better, contact me in person at one of my regular, Sunday flea markets listed under “On My Radar”. Thank you for humoring me and don’t forget, being polite and playing nice is greatly appreciated!