Tipping Point Ahead? The 2024, Q1/Q2 Flea Market Forecast, Pt 1 – The Fed’s Wealth Effect Meets the Kennedy Campaign’s Positive Voter Sentiment

Tipping Point Ahead? The 2024, Q1/Q2 Flea Market Forecast, Pt 1 – The Fed’s Wealth Effect Meets the Kennedy Campaign’s Positive Voter Sentiment

Greetings fellow Flea and Free Marketeers and welcome to this way overdue 2024 forecast from deep behind the flea market frontlines. It appears that despite all the economic, climatic and war monger doom and gloom, the pandemic of corporate, government and mainstream media induced FEAR may be backfiring as more and more folks activate their almost atrophied critical thinking skills and awaken to the fact that the “puppet masters that be” have been having a field day fkn with us, using We the People as guinea pigs for their social engineering and bio-chemical mischief over the last four years. Big Time. The Main Street Working Folks wake up call is NOT what the stinky New World Odor Globalists in Washington DC and at the WEForum, WHO, UN, EU etc expected. Opps. And just in time for the do or die 2024, United States presidential election!! Disruption ahead? It’s only a matter of degree.

But first, recapping 2023… the economic business media forecast of “recession” wound up being a non event despite the chorus of “expert” economists insisting it was inevitable, U.S. labor strikes have been settled, inflation in Southern California has been manageable (so far), and Operation Covid Coup and it’s multitude of enablers continues to be exposed for premeditated high crimes of collusion (and genocide?!) by a syndicate of powerful, global, psychopathic elites. The jokers apparently overplayed their hand and citizen retribution looks to be a hot topic in the years ahead. Let’s put it this way, I would not want to be Pfizer Bourla, Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, Klaus Schwab or Chairman Xi (or their security detail!) as more and more and more of the covid criminal story unfolds.

As for the Southern California microeconomic climate, Southern California flea markets have been humming right along in 2023 reflecting the continuing strength of our disposable income, vintage shopper demographic (“recession? What recession?” my 2023 Q1 post). 2023 may have been my best gross sales flea market year. Realistically, I do expect some/much turbulence for 2024, not just from our own economic and electoral wild cards, but also from the ongoing foreign tensions/wars and the increasing instability of the (currently) number two economy, CCXi China and the ripple effects that could generate. Can you say Evergrande Multi-Family real estate collapse? Can you say the possibility of “contagion” from their currently imploding Real Estate market and it’s threat to their economy migrating globally? Although that remains just one of many situations to monitor, it’s just a matter of which of the many Black Swans currently roosting just over the horizon decide to pay Mr Market/The Economy a visit. Will it be the large and small US banks who failed to anticipate and readjust asset exposure to rising interest rates? Opps. Or will it be commercial office space real estate loans expiring and resetting between now and 2025, which could bankrupt some exposed, undercapitalized banks? Maybe yours! (Part 2) Or will it be a combination of the two with Israel/Hamas, Russia/Ukraine interchanging as blood and gore dance partners? But, despite all these alarming uncertainties, there are some reasons to be hopeful – Higher interest rates reinvigorating a Middle Class Wealth Effect here in the US and a presidential candidate who stands on a mountain of transparency and integrity, something American voters haven’t seen in a long long time; something unfamiliar and foreign to both Biden and Trump. The not so good US Single Family Housing and Commercial Real Estate outlook, the slow, continuing and still unreported (censored!!) mRNA related decimation of US and global labor… we’ll also get to that in Part 2 and Part 3 of this forecast.

Is a Fed generated Wealth Effect and candidate Kennedy’s high integrity and truth telling creating a wave of Positive Voter Sentiment?!!

As of now, it’s unlikely you’re hearing much about the current 4 to 5% interest rates on retail bank Certificates of Deposit bringing back pleasant (pensioner) memories of a long forgotten, pre Obama, pre Quantitative Easing, “Wealth Effect”. Wall Street Big Finance, which owns much of the mainstream media, would rather the working class general public never again hears about, let alone gets a taste of, 5% compound interest; the “wealth effect” that doubles the principle every 14.5 years. Ya see, that 4 to 5% interest rate that working folks are currently enjoying (and once took for granted!) tends to spoil the Wall Street speculative party that zero interest Fed rates previously enabled. And now those big finance, big babies are having a hissy fit and praying to Mammon/Biden/Powell that the Fed begins to drop interest rates by mid year and how, like Reagan’s Supply Side “trickle down” economics, that benefits everyone. Hoo-Haw! Ain’t gonna happen by more than half a percent by years end, if it happens at all, and there is the chance rates may go a bit higher! Why? Despite rumors of the Fed being a legally separate entity with no connection to the White House/Congress… Politics! Don’t forget, this is a do or die election year.

Way back in 2013 when Alan Greenspan’s Quantitative Easing was in full swing, Spencer Patton, Chief Investment Officer with Steelline (?) Investments had this to say on the Fox News “Money Power Panel” about the Fed’s new fangled QE… “The Fed had done a tremendous disservice in robbing savers, people that are planning on retiring, the people that are not trading on the stock market, but people that are setting aside money, the chance to be able to retire.” BINGO! From 5% interest to a .11% Federal Funds Rate does not a bank CD retirement make.

The Wealth Effect Americans had taken for granted for so long had been vaporized by the Fed and Patton was calling out the obvious. “You’re seeing, not only have they not made money, they’ve lost money due to the inflation and the withering away of the US dollar as the Fed prints money endlessly. It’s horrible and it just further pushes back retirement, for people who can’t afford it, delay” retirement. Hmmm, And maybe that was the puppet master’s idea all along, keeping middle class working folks working for as long as possible, knowing that the population was aging and anticipating a labor shortage; forcing us elder farts/folks to work, whether we want to or not, till we drop dead. (This demonic possibility just rolled into my head as I was writing this!)

Biden and the Administrative State desperately needs the positive citizen sentiment the wealth effect keeps in the economic sails of the demographic of those who typically vote – the Baby Boomer pensioners/retirees, be they Republican or Democrat, Labor or not. Anyone, for that matter, be they rich or poor, who has even a little bit of interest bearing money at their local bank; enough to subconsciously connect the dots and see, on each monthly bank statement, that this compound interest wealth effect started happening during the Biden administration, NOT the Trump administration when interest rates were damn near zero. And the clown candidate Trump says he wants to take away the interest rate wealth effect that middle class citizens are now enjoying, that he’ll bring interest rates back down, way down, ie, just what his Wall Street/Corporate backers want?! D-U-M-B! What about what Main Street working folks want?! Glad you asked. Here’s a hint at what candidate Kennedy is considering concerning monetary and fiscal policy and the creation of a “Fair For All” US economy… 

The NEED Act, c.2011, “… the NEED Act would return the US to its founding principles. It would create a sustainable financial system whereby the US would no longer have to ransack other nations and our own population to keep its privately-owned financial system afloat… The NEED Act would abolish the Federal Reserve System and replace it with a Monetary Authority within the U.S. Department of Treasury… The NEED Act would restore to constitutional government the sovereign power to create money… The NEED Act is not socialism; private enterprise would be the backbone of the economic system when money is controlled by a responsible public agency.” 

I would wager that the zero interest rates are not part of the NEED Act. Damn Near Zero interest, which began at the end of Bush/Cheney, continued through most of Obama, went up a bit during Trump, then went back to damn near zero during Biden/covid, a span of thirteen years, arguably has helped to destroy what little wealth working folks still have while enabling Wall Street to computer speculate and exploit all the way to the bank. Hmmm, once again, just as the Central Banksters planned? Apparently, Mr. Kennedy and his team are seriously considering many of the economic policy reforms suggested in the NEED Act. But you don’t hear about this in the willfully censoring by omission mainstream media. From a very recent Reuters article covering the Michigan primary’s, “While none of the five dozen Democrats interviewed by Reuters said they will back Trump, half said they were considering sitting out the election or casting their lot with a third party.” A third party? You don’t say. That’s right, they don’t say!! Not once in this entire 2/27 Reuters article does the “journalist” who wrote it mention any of the third party candidates these “five dozen Democrats” might be considering, especially the one who might be the biggest threat to the administrative state! And I ain’t talking ‘bout Trump! 

Now ain’t this some fine example of the corporate mainstream media’s blatant blackout of any and all coverage of the Kennedy presidential campaign? The corrupt, censoring Big Media message, “Fk Democracy! No competition allowed!! Pretend he doesn’t exist until the time for “going for the throat” defamation and character assassination becomes the law of the land”, and sells lots of ad space! Have you noticed that ALL American mainstream media, with the exception of Fox News (once upon a time, who’d a thunk?!), appears to be in LOCKSTEP with absolutely the no mention of third party candidates? You’re more likely to hear about the wickedly wise presidential candidate Cornell West than Kennedy. Collusion? Ya Think? However, I was a pleasantly surprised to hear Biden mention Robert Kennedy Sr in his State of the Union address. You did note that his lesser adversary Trump was only referred to as “the previous administration”, never calling him by name. Hmmm, maybe mentioning Robert Kennedy Sr. was the senior moment slip everyone was anticipating, ie, acknowledging the real elephant adversary in the room. Meanwhile, I guess that leaves it up to indi media Epoch Times and The Hill, and to voices like mine, a moonlighting flea market “economist”, who, like thousands of others fighting for social, political, and economic justice across America are soooooo disillusioned with our two headed one party system, that they support neither party, and have a much greater interest in paying closest attention to a high integrity, transparent, third party option like Robert Kennedy Jr. instead of the proven to be incompetent, outright lying, democracy destroying alternatives who have nothing better than bandaids to offer as solutions. Refreshing!

Regarding his position on monetary policy and the Central Bankster’s “War on Cash”… Head’s Up my fellow Flea/Free Marketeers resisting said Bankster’s and Big Finance’s “no options!” to privacy invading, digital currencies. Kennedy had this to say during an interview with Bitcoin Magazine, “I’m against central bank digital currencies. I think they will become an instrument of power and control. Ultimately, they will be used as an excuse to abolish cash currencies and give the government complete control over our lives.” Bitcoin Mag added, “Kennedy has defined himself as a free marketeer living in a country that has abandoned the principles of economic liberty… Kennedy has made opposition to CBDCs a central element of his presidential platform. To put it bluntly, if you did not like the government telling you when you can leave your home, what you can post online, and what you must inject into your body, you will certainly not enjoy replacing the dollar in your pocket with a government-controlled digital asset.” Please note, from the same article, Biden is in support of the creation of a CBDC!

Gotta give Boy Justin Trudeau a credit where credit is due “high five” for demonstrating to the world the present tense reality of a government’s ability to fuck it’s dissenting citizens by instantly denying them access to their banks, in this case, for having the audacity to show financial support for the cross country, Canadian Trucker’s, “Stop the Vaccine Mandates!” protest. An Unintended, Brilliant Fk Up! 

If Kennedy can justify reasons for maintaining the 5% interest wealth effect, which I personally feel is having a positive effect on citizen consumer and flea market sentiment, this might be one of many popular, but way off the radar, policy proposals that help him sail into the White House, despite the devious headwinds Biden and his administrative/media henchmen at the DNC (and RNC!!) are working furiously to prevent. The Administrative State behind the scenes of the Biden administration FEARS a Kennedy presidency even more than they fear Trump and are doing everything they can to keep him off the ballot in all fifty states. And by currently denying him Secret Service protection, they might be hoping to remove him from the planet. Even more “deplorable” than Billary?! Unfortunately, they appear to have the reality of Kennedy’s popularity amongst We the People working against them. Here’s some recent examples the compromised corporate media is hoping you never see…

The Hill headline, 11/2023 – “The DC establishment thinks RFK could win, and they’re panicking”. YES!!… “Significantly, Kennedy raised millions of dollars from people who didn’t donate at all in the last two presidential elections, a sign that he’s activating new voters. Remarkably, he maintains a 19 percent favorability lead with voters over both Biden and Trump — this despite a concerted effort by almost every mainstream media outlet to dismiss him as a conspiracy theorist and crank.” And that was last November. The momentum is stronger now! Who needs market sentiment when ya got voter sentiment keeping the real wind in sentiment’s sails?

From Forbes 6/23, “2024 Democratic presidential contender Robert F. Kennedy Jr… has higher favorability numbers than either President Joe Biden or former President Donald Trump, according to a new poll by The Economist and YouGov, even as Biden maintains a lead in the 2024 primary.” David Marks (Substack) responds with, “The Economist and Harvard polls present a reality that won’t be disguised or repressed. The numbers clearly indicate a preference for Mr. Kennedy’s leadership; reinforcing the fact that the current electoral process is engineered to betray the will of the people… Mr. Kennedy’s strong popularity is very worrying to those who have struggled to maintain illicit and treacherous power. This explains the relentless efforts to diminish his prominence.” Huh?! An “electoral process (that) is engineered to betray the will of the people”?! It might be time to finally investigate the inner workings of the democracy disruptive RNC and DNC and try each and every one of these dictator loving, fascist facilitators for high treason, yes?

And from a January 2024 Gallup Poll, “In the run-up to the 2024 presidential elections, President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump are neck and neck in terms of favorability among American adults, according to a recent Gallup poll. However, independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. leads the pack with a 52% favorability rating”. “Leads the pack”??! But you’re not hearing that on mainstream, corporate MSNBC! WTF?

The legacy media continues to pretend Robert Kennedy Jr doesn’t exist. Willful censorship by omission and ignoring the inconvenient; the favored elite response to issues and persons they find disruptive. Shameful! And what has become of investigative, old school journalism? No wonder Main Street working folks and Flea marketeers don’t trust corporate, “legacy” media anymore as it loses what little credibility it has left! It has become obvious and unintentionally exposes to We The Human Beings that It supposedly serves, that it’s the corporate state and the propertied elites that our (not to be) “trusted” mainstream media actually serves. If this insult to our democracy is not immediately recognized as being the treasonous election interference that it blatantly is, America is lost. Who needs Russian, Chinese, Iranian or Israeli election hackers when we have good ‘ol, in-house, Made in America, corporate media and their political DNC/RNC operatives doing a better job than these foreign punks could ever dream of! Jail time for these treasonous, toxic political operatives might just be on the table as the smoke clears after the November election, mark these words.

There is a “minor’ detail that needs to be addressed, getting Kennedy on the ballot in ALL fifty states. That’s where you dear reader, come in. Should you be interested in doing what you can to support Mr. Kennedy with your volunteer time and/or hard earned money to get him on the ballot in your state, please visit his website and consider the options. Hurry! Time is critical! Robert F. Kennedy for President | Official Campaign Headquarters

“We don’t have free market capitalism in this country. What we have is socialism for the super rich, and brutal capitalism for the poor”, RFK Jr. from the Kennedy Beacon. Remember, “80% of Americans can’t afford a middle class lifestyle… Media pundits say we don’t have a choice… that I’ll spoil the election for Biden or for Trump. The truth is they’re both right. My intention is to spoil it for both of them!”, so says Mr Kennedy at his announcement for running as an independent candidate last October. It is up to each and every one of us to make sure his intention prevails. Onward!

Dismal Dave Lancon © March 2024. All Rights Reserved.

PS. I don’t do social media, but if you’ve enjoyed and/or learned sumthin from this post, please share it w ALL your social media buddies. Greatly appreciated!

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