Fasten Your Seat Belts! The Trump-adelic Wild Ride Begins By Burying Biden’s Vaccine Mandates in Memory Hole?! – The FME Q1 2025 Forecast Pt. 2
Happy New Year and heartfelt greetings Ladies and Gents, fellow Flea Marketeers, theta children and perfectly present pets. From my Akashic Records flea market frontlines view of the Southern California Main Street economy, it looks like things are about to get full blown “Trump-adelic” once again. Anxiety and Elation co-mingle in the aisles! But exactly what that means this time around is anybody’s guess. What I can say with confidence from being regularly “in the field” and buying/selling/dealing with such a wide spectrum of people, both politically and economically, the overall “room tone” remains upbeat. As of now.
The Donald Trump we are now dealing with does not appear to be quite the same devil as the post first term, big baby Trump that just wouldn’t go away, and has returned with a different “mandate” of sorts; one that emphasizes restoring the physical health of We The People (MAHA) to the top of the list of healthiest G20 nations by way of exploring how we got to this appalling health crisis in the first place and then making the necessary, and long overdue, adjustments. That ain’t going to be easy considering the health of Americans is currently at the bottom of that list thanks to the army of DC lobbyists representing Big-Pharma, Big-Ag, Big-Processed Food and a sewer sleeze corporate/state media (“brought to you by Pfizer!”) with their hired gun marketing firms that appear to be hell bent on keeping us citizen flea marketeers/guinea pigs/cash cows in health challenged, proprietary pharma limbo ($$$) for as long as possible. Say, would you mind passing them potato chips, please?
As to the different Donald mentioned above, full disclosure to those new to The FME: I have been ALL IN for Kennedy Jr as our next president and, although often amused by Trump’s carnival barker bombast, I have never been a fan of his (or Biden/Harris) and have always been suspicious of his real intentions, actions speaking much louder than Trump’s loudest words, whether they be truthful or not. However, after recently watching Trump’s very relaxed and seemingly sincere (?!!), December 16th “sudden” Q and A news conference from Mar-a-Lago, two weeks after the broadcast, I was pleasantly surprised and relieved to see a much, MUCH more emotionally sober, level headed Trump, frequently showing a willingness to listen to the questions the reporters were shouting at him before answering. The 24/7, grumpy Mr. Negative, often/always on the defensive Trump I was used to seeing was not making the appearance I would have previously expected. Seeing this change in demeanor was a welcome relief, mainly, because it seemed genuine. However…
During the run-up to the election, occasionally seeing some of Trump’s MAGA rally videos and reading some of his X posts, I began to notice what was becoming a glaring omission as Trump seemed to be completely ignoring the biggest elephant in the Biden administration’s room, the mRNA vaccine side effects disaster that was created by Biden’s going back on his pre-election promise to Americans that he would not mandate, would not force the experimental mRNA gene therapy jabs on WE The People, if/when the “safe and effective” push came to shove.

Trump’s pre-election silence on the mandate elephant opportunity got me wondering why/if I was the only one noticing this and soon asking myself why the fk no one else was talking about what appeared to be his attempt to memory hole (“MH”, Ed Dowd coined? – never ever mentioning what the government wants society to forget) the entire episode of Biden’s attempt to force the experimental jabs, via work place and educational institution mandates, on the American workforce, and the hundreds of thousands now dead and/or disabled amongst our workforce, as well as the general population and small business’s, that resulted from that. Since when did Trump quit doing REVENGE?! During the election campaign rallies and president debates, why did Trump pass – PASS – on going for Biden’s throat, Biden/Harris’s achilles heel, inflicting devastating vaccine mandate’s side effects condemnation and critique that continue to disable, and often kill, those amongst the 70% of our population that chose to, or were FORCED into, getting the experimental mRNA Magic jab? Trump had deviated from his typical “KILL! Crush!, Destroy your opponent” pattern of attacking where they are most vulnerable! Huh?! This is highly interesting to me.
At this pre inauguration point in the Q1 2025 drama, we have Trump and team focused on the stated direction they intend to take America, once sworn in, up against the final days of Biden’s lame duck admin that appears to be moving bureaucratic mischief and money as fast it can to subvert, or at least slow down, Team Trump’s policy aspirations, with Ho Ho Hotez and Congressman Jamie Raskin cheerleading doom and gloom in the background. This is to be expected, politics being the nasty, back-stabbing, black mailing, blood sport that it is. And let us not forget, the Biden/Hillary/WEF neo-liberal globalist crew having joined forces pre-election with the Dick Cheney/intell deep state, neo-con crew that has created a most interesting DC swamp creature whose behavior has yet to be determined. I suspect Kid Crook’s failed dirty deed attempt gives us a hint.
Consequently, this social/political/psychological impasse makes political/economic forecasting even more of a fool’s errand for us econo’s and investment advisors (vintage collectables? Investments?! Careful. A future post) than it already is. Never the less, in order to make Main Street America great again – a VIBRANT, de-centralized Main Street being a CORE feature of America’s previous greatness – many many things still need to be addressed, still need to be restored, and in one most recent case, should never ever be, “down the Memory Hole” forgotten.
Vaccine Mandates?! What vaccine mandates? Biden’s Covid Vaccine Mandates FAILURE mysteriously never mentioned in ANY of the Trump/Biden, Trump/Harris Presidential debates?! Early signs of intentional, “What Elephant?”, WTF media Memory Hole, anyone?
Memory Hole?! Quick question before diving in. How many World Trade Center skyscrapers collapsed in their own footprint on 9/11? Forget about the airplanes and take a moment to refresh your memory…
Ha! Two, says you?!
Opps. Three, ya dumb poop. (Hey, yer in good company! These days, 9 outta 10 get it wrong! Go ahead, ask yer nearest non-conspiracy theory advocate…)
WTC Tower #7, despite NOT being the target of a Saudi piloted kamikaze jet, also “mysteriously” collapsed into it’s own footprint, an hour or two (?) after the first towers came down. Shhh. Media “Memory Hole!”. The corporate/state media never mentions the third tower collapse in hopes that, over time, it will be completely forgotten. It’s kinda sorta a variant of lying by omission and how the Admin State makes damn sure it’s lockstep state media does not mention anything that might cause it embarrassment or rekindle anger/unfinished business in the future, hoping that the citizen suckers will never have reason to revisit a government complicit, inconvenient truth… hmmm, like the glaring omission during the presidential debates and on the campaign trail (?) of any mention of Biden’s “no jab, no job”, covid vaccine mandates that resulted in thousands of “died suddenly” mrna vax deaths (VAERS) and several hundred thousand vax induced disabilities (VAERS and Bureau of Labor Statistics/Ed Dowd) AND Biden’s finest moment, his “Pandemic of the Un-Vaccinated” public address speech, specifically crafted to shame/blame vaccine resistance (“our patience is wearing thin”) and to justify a blatant, national bully campaign to socially demonize ANYONE who had (now proven legitimate) reservations about being a guinea pig for an experimental, gene therapy jab… what Fauci referred to as the “ideological bullshit” of the vaccine hesitant. Hey Tony, on behalf of all of us now vindicated, covid un-vaxd, EAT MY IDEOLOGICAL BULLSHIT, mister! (Sorry, t-shirts on back order! Bumper stickers coming soon!)
In 2020, Trump was media made to look like the biggest idiot in the room for his corona “deadly disease” doubts, insisting it was as manageable as any other bad flu respiratory disease and wisely stock piling proven effective Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) for national emergency covid management while, interestingly, also granting EUA placeholder status for Regeneron, a proprietary pharmaceutical, at the swingin tax payer price of “$2,100 per dose”. I think a little old school, flea market haggling woulda come in handy here. Meantime, Magic Vax proprietary proponents Bill Gates, Franken-Fauci, and the UK’s CC Xi buddy, Jeremy Farrar, were in the wings lustfully plotting the next round of lucrative “Vaccination Habituation” and googling the fastest route to the nearest bank in anticipation of juicy proprietary profits. Fauci (and Gates?) eventually succeeded in conning Trump into ditching his first EUA drug pick and replacing it three months later with the experimental, mRNA Magic Vax that was about to hit the street and dubbing the entire shebang, “Operation Warp Speed”, giving Trump ego soothing, useful idiot praise and credit; his reward for finally showing compliance with the globalist Covid Coup master planners!
“Yea! Trump saves the world from Covid!!! The Magic Vax to the rescue!! Yea, Trump! Yea, MAGA!!!” Opps…
One critical item that never gets enough attention is that Emergency Use Authorization can only be granted to one medical product at a time, NOT two, not several. No HCQ, no Regeneron AND Magic Vax at the same time! Only one product per EUA. Why only one? FDA (piece of the proprietary pie?!) bullshit! Also, EUA is mandated to select the drug, not the vaccine, with the most “proven” benefit (often written by in-house big-pharma PR!), preferably cheapest, re-purposed and plentiful, as the first choice. Vaccines, whether proprietary formulated or generic, by EUA law, have second class citizen status and can only be given EUA status if there are no other known to be effective drugs available for use for the emergency at hand. As HCQ and other generic, re-purposed pharma were showing positive anecdotal covid cures, this EUA provision created a problem for Gates and Fauci (and Pfizer and Moderna, etc) who were chomping at the bit to get their experimental, propriety ($$$) mRNA vax EUA status, granting them access to billions of dollars in government piggy bank bucks. Solution? A major media HCQ “ineffective and unsafe” discrediting campaign, concurrent with a “Savior Vax Solution! Right around the corner!!” hype campaign to convince Trump and Co, and the fearing for their lives general public, of the necessity to ditch Regeneron under EUA status and simply put the greatly hyped, experimental, Savior Gates/Fauci Gene Therapy Jab in it’s place. Evil? Naw. Just another day at Grifters, Inc. LLC. Get used to it (or not)
What really puzzles me is why Trump never mentioned at any time during the debates, nor at any time during his MAGA rallies (?), nor and on his social media (?), that he’d been misled by the now proven to be demonically corrupt CDC, FDA and Tony Fauci, and what a lethal mistake Biden made mandating/forcing the jab on all government employees, much of the corporate workforce, and every child/teen/young adult attending public schools and universities (while ALL members of Congress were exempt?! Hoo-Haw!!!). On the other hand, he had no problem bragging about the timely success of his “Operation Warp Speed”, mRNA “vaccine” rollout. Kinda strange don’t ya think? (Homework?! If anyone has video or social media links/screen saves of 2024 campaign trail Trump bringing this up and calling Biden/Harris out on “no jab, no job” fk up, please to post on YouTube! Yes, Trump did briefly mention he was not in support of the mandates at his December 16th, “surprise” press conference, but that was over a month after his election victory and in the cozy comfort of Mar-a-Lago, NOT from the pre-election Beat on The Biden campaign trail. Anyone citing the 12/16 presser as proof of pre election mandate mention gets an F and has credibility filed under “bullshit!”)
Ironically, Trump could have still basked in the dubious glory of his bringing what he was led to Fauci/Bill Gates believe was a “safe and effective”, Operation Warp Speeded vax to market (while covering his ass with plausible deniability, just in case) AND hammered hammered hammered Biden/Harris for not respecting the wishes of millions of American citizens who choose to avoid vaccines, for whatever reasons, effectively shoving the wave upon wave of iatrogenic, side effect, myocarditis consequences of “The Needle and the Damage Done” down Biden’s, Gate’s, Fauci’s and Neil’s throats. But he chose, he CHOSE, not to?! “Operation Warp Speed, ok to brag about, but hands off Biden vaccine mandates!”, whispers the puppet masters into dutiful Donald’s ear? Hmmm. Red Flag alert, anybody?
Back in June of 2024, InfoWars Alex asked his guest, the patent specialist Dr. David Martin, what he would advise Trump to do on his first day in office, to which Martin replied, “I would say that Operation Warp Speed, without his knowledge, was actually signing the death warrant for a number of individuals who happened to be American citizens… and, that was never disclosed. Anthony Fauci, Deborah Birx, CDC, FDA LIED, and as a result of their deception, the actions that you took in the interests of saving the country wound up harming US citizens. And the job that we have now… we have to say that the Executive Order that gets signed on the day you become president… is the absolute erasure of the pharmaceutical liability shields that are in place for vaccine manufacturers… period!”… ie, no more vaccine/Big-Pharma zero liability “indemnification” for their unsafe and disabling products. Excellent place to start! And an excellent place to see just how seroius Trump is about Making America Healthy Again, and taking a massive step forward to get the Big-Pharma parasites out of our lives. In Trump’s first hundred days, I doubt revoking vaccine makers indemnification is going to happen, if it happens at all.
Operation Warp Speed, Trump’s campaign trail pride and joy, a “death warrant”?! Just to be perfectly clear, Trump, who never seemed to miss an opportunity to bash Biden and his policies, seems to have intentionally passed on this opportunity to inflict major damage to the Biden, and then the Harris election campaigns, simply by constantly reminding everyone at his MAGA rallies and on his social media that he was deceived by Fauci, Gates, Birx, the CDC, the FDA – the entire Covid Cabal – and that his initial gut instinct was 100%, absolutely correct; that the “novel corona virus” could have been successfully managed, that hundreds of thousands of American lives could have been saved (+/- 90-95% of the 1.2 million covid dead) using the existing, placebo tested “safe and effective”, readily available, off-label/re-purposed pharma protocols that doctors all over the world (including major clinical success with HCQ, Dr Zelenco, in New York) were having promising results with. An obvious big time opportunity to exploit and celebrate this vindication, intentionally avoided by Trump?! Why, especially when many many practicing physicians have been willing to back Trump’s claims?
According to DR. David Gortler commenting on Trump’s early action to begin stockpiling HCQ to stay ahead of covid’s spread, “It is no exaggeration to state that had Trump been allowed to proceed with his endeavor to distribute HCQ for Covid-19 in an appropriate patient population, we would be living in a much different United States of America. Today’s cumulative safety and efficacy findings on HCQ data are unequivocal proof detailing its benefits, particularly for the early treatment of Covid-19”
Again, why would Trump choose to pass on this justified Biden Bash opportunity of a lifetime? This uncharacteristic change in Trump’s typical Biden/Harris discrediting behavior, really makes me wonder who’s really running the show here. Who advised him to “shut the fuck up!” and begin “Operation Biden Mandate Memory Hole”? Those of us following the Covid Coup know it was never Biden at the controls. Biden was simply doing the puppet masters bidding, one of several useful, and much more compliant, idiots. The continuing fallout from his “vaccine mandates” legacy is proving the point in grimmest mRNA death and disabling color. And it ain’t over yet.
This begs the question, was Trump being groomed all along to eventually be the chosen useful idiot who would unwittingly (wittingly??!!) serve the WEF/Bill and Melinda globalists and the CCP/DoD colluding commie, puppet master plans? Their patience was also “getting thin”, waiting for the perfect, post Event 201 moment to slow roll the dress rehearsed WHO/WEF “gotta vax everyone!!”, trojan horse in to the Wuhan Wet Market, signaling to CC Xi, “time to go heavy on the hazmat hose down, ‘deadly disease’ optics, comrade”, that generated the first waves of FEAR FEAR FEAR around the world that the globalists needed to justify beta testing world wide lockdown compliance in preparation for future social engineering attempts… and, that CC Xi desperately needed to stop the ongoing embarrassment of the Hong Kong democracy protests dead in it’s tracks. Ya see, these days, with ubiquitous cell phones and cameras everywhere, especially in China, that old school 1989 Tiananmen machine gun management option was no longer a choice. “Hmmm. Corona-19? Deadly Disease?!!… Hello Mr. Bill? Chairman Xi…”
Returning to the nagging thought that Trump has been happily agreeing to play the bombastic, bullshit baffling, useful idiot all along; as I was approaching the final draft of this post a few days ago, somewhere around midnight, one of my covid coup buddies sends me an article concerning the backstory on Trump’s pride and joy, “Operation Warp Speed”, written in 2020 by deep diving, straight shooting, investigative reporter Whitney Webb. “Hmmm, interesting…perfect timing!” Could this be yet another matrix moment confirmation that there is much more to Trump’s re-enty to the White House, instead of The Big House, than meets MAGA/MAHA’s wishful thinking? You tell me. Anyone remember 9/11 Bush/Cheney’s successful/unsuccessful Total Information Awareness attempt at pre China Social Credit Score, good/bad compliant citizen, 24/7 monitoring behavior?
(Ed – the original words highlighted in bold in the quotes below are for emphasis by me. All words/commentary in parentheses, bold or not, are by me)
Google & Oracle To Monitor Americans Who Get Warp Speed’s Covid-19 Vaccine For Up To Two Years – Unlimited Hangout / Whitney Webb 10/2020
“Last week, a rare media interview given by the Trump administration’s “Vaccine Czar” offered a brief glimpse into the inner workings of the extremely secretive Operation Warp Speed (OWS), the Trump administration’s “public-private partnership” for delivering a Covid-19 vaccine to 300 million Americans by next January. What was revealed should deeply unsettle all Americans.”
“The “captain” of Operation Warp Speed, career Big Pharma executive Moncef Slaoui, confirmed that the millions of Americans who are set to receive the project’s Covid-19 vaccine will be monitored via “incredibly precise . . . tracking systems” that will “ensure that patients each get two doses of the same vaccine and to monitor them for adverse health effects.” Slaoui also noted that tech giants Google and Oracle have been contracted as part of this “tracking system” but did not specify their exact roles beyond helping to “collect and track vaccine data.”
(According to) “a CDC document associated with Operation Warp Speed states: a second-dose reminders for vaccine recipients will be critical to ensure compliance with vaccine dosing intervals and achieve optimal vaccine effectiveness.(ie, “boys, if the ideal quota of death and/or cash cow disabled is not reached, roll out the next “variant” booster! Yeee-haw! Ain’t we gots proprietary, indemnified fun!”)
“In addition, the FDA has apparently “set up a firewall between the vast majority of staff and the initiative [Operation Warp Speed]” that appears to drastically limit the number of FDA officials with any knowledge of or involvement in Warp Speed. The FDA’s director of the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, Janet Woodcock, is the only FDA official listed as having any direct involvement in OWS and appears to be personally managing this “firewall” at the FDA. Woodcock… has been intimately involved in FDA precursors to the coming Warp Speed “pharmacovigilance surveillance system” known as Sentinel and PRISM…”
“The extreme secrecy of Operation Warp Speed has affected not only the FDA but also the CDC, as a CDC expert panel normally involved in developing the government’s vaccine distribution strategies was “stonewalled” by Matt Hepburn, OWS’s vaccine coordinator, who bluntly refused to answer several of the panel’s “pointed questions” about the highly secretive operation.” (ie, WTF?!! Red Flag! Red Flag!!)
Unlike in years past, TIA’s apparent successor, (“Trump’s”) Operation Warp Speed, has received no pushback from mainstream media outlets or advocacy organizations (or MAGA’s), with many of these same entities now placing blind faith in the secretive initiative and lionizing it as the “only way” to resolve the Covid-19 pandemic crisis.
“Allowing these same entities to surveil and track a majority of Americans and to use the country’s population as guinea pigs for unlicensed, understudied, and experimental vaccine technologies is a clear recipe for disaster. At the same time, it would also enable a surveillance panopticon so dystopian and far reaching that Americans stand to lose not only their few remaining civil liberties but even sovereignty over their own bodies.” (How’s that for a prescient quote!)
“The total-surveillance agenda that began with TIA (Bush/Cheney Total Information Awareness) and that has been resurrected through Warp Speed predated Covid-19 by decades. Its architects and proponents (neo-lib and neo-con) have worked to justify these extreme and invasive surveillance programs by marketing this agenda as the “solution” to whatever Americans are most afraid of at any given time. It has very little to do with “public health” and everything to do with total control. (ie, “FEAR SELLS! YOU BUYING?”)
Thank you Ms. Webb, and thank you Covid Coup buddy, for bring this to our attention.
So, was President Trump kept out of that 2020 OWS inner circle that Janet Woodcock was secretively managing? Most likely, yes. “Sorry, Trump. Can’t you read the friggin sign?! No useful idiots allowed!! Fauci? Yeah, come on in.” At this point, ie, today, Trump HAS to know he was lied to about OWS’s “secretive” intentions, just as David Martin mentioned. Yet, he never mentioned being lied to by the CDC, by Fauci, by the FDA, at the debates; never mentioned being lied to at his election rallies (?), and instead, often bragged on the campaign trail that OWS was one of his greatest accomplishments. WTF?! After reading Whitney’s OWS expose, OWS appears to have been a great accomplishment for the intell/surveillance state and it’s puppet masters, when all along the Trump and the State Media wanted us to assume Warp Speed was only about getting the Savior Covid Vaccine into (guinea pig) people’s arm’s ASAP and resolve the “deadly disease” crisis, then in full swing. For We the Main Street People, not so much, as it appears to restore much of the egregious corporate/government surveillance over reach opportunities proposed by Bush/Cheney’s TIA. How could this not be blatantly obvious to Trump? Hate to say it but this kinda confirms my suspicion that just maybe he was in on much of the Covid Coup, Premeditated PlanDemic than he’s been willing to admit! “Fool me once…”
Right about now kids, time to imagine a new, improved, Trump Operation Warp Speed 2, one that attempts to rival China’s Social Credit Score… coming soon?! Especially now that many many MAGA’s, especially those attending Trump’s 2024 campaign rallies, who have now been rally PRIMED to perfection to believe that Trump’s OWS was a major success, a success so great that he would brag about it any chance he got, keeping rally attendee’s ears and emo’s on the OWS shiny, sparkly object while every moment not spent tearing apart Biden”s failed Vaccine Mandate Campaign was another moment lost down the Memory Hole. Slowly, slowly, but surely. One tick tick tick at a time, until, ever so eventually, it becomes forgotten just like 9/11’s WTC Tower #7, free fall collapse.
Is it possible that his MAGA’s have been/are being PRIMED to take the new improved OWS2 sucker bait, should the opportunity present itself in term two, and support another Trump Warp Speeded solution to another premeditated Fauci Gates CCP plandemic, without anyone, besides Whitney and Kennedy Jr, reading the OWS2, surveillance state fine print… just as Trump may, or may not have done, in 2020… just as the Power Plunderer’s that shouldn’t be, intend? Ironically, the possibility of the next inevitable attempt at a CCP style, surveillance state encroachment is exactly what I was afraid would happen in a Harris/Walz administration, not a Trump administration!! WTF?!!!
But before I/we venture much further into the land of emo, into the land of educated guess speculation, I gotta remind myself, just because Trump made no mention of Biden’s bully attempts to vaccinate every American citizen as a civic duty via his vaccination mandate, and his opposition to those mandates at the debates and at his MAGA rally’s, and instead focused on Biden’s fiscal policy/economic failures (unnecessary lockdowns, big time Main Street small business economic failure!!) and the “success” of his very own OWS that brought those deadly demonic vaccines to the world in the first place, does not conclusively mean there is any nefarious intent going on here. Heh heh heh, Maybe.
We MAHA’s, and some of the MAGA’s, will be watching very closely for red flags. Unless proven otherwise, I’ll continue to pretend that it is soon/now Team Trump managing America’s affairs (nod nod, winkie wink), as the world awaits Trump’s inauguration, then the flood of executive orders. Meantime, Bill and Melinda, Klause and Bourla, Yuval Fauci Hotez and Justin (disgraced, alas), etc etc, shit eating grin in the background, knowing that Reiner Fuellmich is still illegally imprisoned in Germany (for now) and that they can enjoy a temporary moment of relaxation as the Trump-adelic Wild Ride picks up speed. OWS, vaccine mandates… several birds killed with one Bat Lady/Baric, Eco-lab fab stone. Maybe not safe, but rather wickedly effective!
Hey!, how about those Biden (Pfizer/Moderna, short term proxy for self?!) pardons and other anticipated 11th hour, Hotez, Raskin, inauguration mischief?!?! See you in Part 3 of the Trump-adelic Q1 Wild Ride – The Economic/Fiscal Policy Loose Ends, finally!
Copyright © Dismal Dave Lancon, January 2025. All Rights Reserved