Opps, Covid Vax-idents Still Happening! Trump “Warp Speed” and Biden/Harris Mandates Both to Blame! Don’t Forget to Vote!
(or “The Argument for Vax Happy Covidian Amnesty Dies Here”)
I absolutely luv luv luv how both Trump and Biden/Harris, instead of profusely apologizing to all Americans for their parts in the VAERS confirmed, covid jabbed, “needle and the damage done”, are fighting each other to take the lions share of credit for the “life saving”, “safe and effective”, experimental mRNA “vaccines” while the complicit corporate media continues to sweep the massive increases in covid vax disability side effects (FRED, Life insure co’s), sudden deaths and excess deaths under the pre-election rug. Amazing!
Meantime, while “a major corporate media outlet in Germany (Welt) has just declared that people who refused to take Covid mRNA shots during and after the pandemic are ‘the winners’”, our once sorta trusted media steadfastly continues to demonize Kennedy Jr. for the “show me” vaccine safety skeptic that he is. His inconveniently exposing the fact (FOIA lawsuit > FACT!) that none of the children’s school schedule vaccines included a saline placebo in the safety testing EVER has not endeared him to the Medical Industrial Monster responsible for the steady increase in America’s chronic diseases year after year since the 1990’s. Recently, Trump, not Mandate Happy Harris, has been commenting on that interesting trend as well, suggesting a long overdue investigation into it’s origins, something the administrative state (The Cheney/DOD Neo-Con Chapter?!) greatly resists. Perhaps that explains Kid Crooks assassination attempt; Trump, and Kennedy, being mortal threats to their power, to their bottom line and the strong possibility of exposing the admin/deep state’s crimes. While the admin state seems hell bent on not permitting another four years of Trump (failed assassination attempt), could it be Divine Intervention has other plans? Hmmm, Divine Intervention vs Dominion voting machines. This is going to be interesting!!
The equally troubling covid mismanagement by the current and previous administrations begs the question; will Trump and Biden (and Hillary Harris?) eventually be sharing a presidential prison suite as the slow avalanche of adverse events data release from the USA and other vax happy countries makes the case for manslaughter against these elected political enablers, or will “plausible deniability” be the legal defense that frees these Covid Coup complicit clowns from being held accountable for their willful parts in the covid cover-up?

Ultimately, Trumpty Dumpty’s EUA and Bully Biden’s Vax Mandate mis-management will go down in history as the biggest (premeditated) medical/military SNAFU in history as the empirical Pfizer/Moderna/J&J/Astra Zeneca side effects data continues to reveal that these Warp Speed’ed vaccines actually caused more death, destruction and disabilities (Open VAERS, FRED) than the Fort Detrick/Wuhan Franken-Fauci lab fab ever did. Unlike covid-19 and it’s multitude of variants, the scourge of covid vax related side effects, both known and still unknown, is a much slower moving train wreck that will be with us for many many years.
Now that Kennedy has pragmatically shifted gears and is no longer directly fighting the incredibly corrupt, fascist friendly DNCommittee by putting his campaign’s wind in Trump’s sails, we the Main Street/Flea Market working folks, no matter which side of the political aisle you are on, must continue to bring much needed “Be The Media” awareness to “the needle and the damage done” (heh heh heh, no apologies Neil), and make damn sure it never, ever, happens again, perhaps by way of old school, cheap and effective, slow the uptake… signage?!

(In a rush? Don’t need the rant? Scroll to the bottom to get/print the DIY “Trump Biden Vax-idents Happen” Template, follow the EZ instructions and start stickin!)
What?! A “Be The Media”, DIY bumper sticker campaign that reminds anyone reading it that both the Trump and Biden/Harris administrations continue to be un-apologetically Vax Happy (as of September) and are absolutely responsible for the vax-ident death and disability disaster that is the Covid Vax in all it’s mRNA, lipid nano-particle, iatrogenic flavors?! Yep. Imagine the stunned looks on the faces of Neil Dung’s family as his SUV pulls up behind you at a Mountain View red light and is suddenly confronted with “Trump/Harris Vax-idents Still Happen” on the back of your vehicle for a full thirty seconds. Will Neil’s head explode? Sadly, the necessity of sowing the seeds of covid vax reality ain’t going away anytime soon.
This cheap and eyeball effective “Heads Up!!” also puts another way over due pie in Bill Gates face, suggesting that voting for Trump or Hillary Harris (“Hillary?!” Hilarious!) is highly likely a vote for yet another attempt by the Big-Pharma/ WHO/ Bill and Melinda and the Military Industrial globalist goons to mandate/force yet another experimental, toxic, medical intervention against our sovereign, bodily autonomy rights when their next premeditated pandemic hits the streets. Guaranteed, the DOD/Gates Goons would find it much easier to pull this off under a vax happy Hillary Harris (nice ring to it, eh?) administration. The wild card, the promising but still uncertain effect of Kennedy on Trump’s health policies, should Trump be elected… the Big “IF” in the room Kennedy mentioned at the end of his suspending campaign announcement, ie, “IF” Trump is true to his word. Have you noticed, one day Trump appears to be on board with supporting Main Street issues, two hours later he goes one eighty with Wall Street bullshit baffle suggesting Jamie Dimon or Larry Fink as treasury picks! Huh?! There goes your (soon to be privatized) Social Security, kids. Trust? Ha!!! Many many eyes are on Trumpty Dumpty’s actions rather than his 24/7 attempts to continue to break his own world record for the amount of lies spewed per minute.
The One Happy Vaxd New World Order – The Globalist Gates Effect
And then there is the (unlikely) possibility of Mr. Bill once again crashing the party and getting between Trump and Kennedy uniting on a real science United States health policy, as he did days after Trump’s meeting with Kennedy in 2017. Most people I talk to at the flea markets or out in the field are not aware of Gates running political interference for his globalist WEForum and WHO buddies early in the Trump administration.
Trump was considering creating a commission to look into “the ill effects of vaccines”, before Gates told him, “No, that’s a dead end, that would be a bad thing” (bad for money/power hungry Bill!!), which, arguably, wound up resulting in over 1.2 million American covid, “deadly disease” deaths (CDC 8/24/24), due to Gates strategically buying some time by keeping vaccine detective Kennedy and his Children’s Health Defense team out of the picture. Trump’s backing off allowed Gates the time to get his proprietary, magic vax promotional machine operational for an “anticipated” pandemic well before anyone caught on to his covid “vax everyone” promotional scheme.
By staying ahead of the uppity, life saving physicians who are often inclined to explore cheap, effective, “off-label” pharma solutions in the event of a (premeditated) pandemic until a savior vax enters the scene, Gates and Co were busy stuffing all the necessary proprietary and dubious legal components into the Wuhan Trojan Horse just before it’s debut on the Wuhan wet market in early 2020. Prior to the covid outbreak, it was common practice for physicians to use “off- label” prescription drugs to manage their patients illnesses if their medical experience and research suggested they might be effective. Interestingly, for the FIRST TIME EVER in modern US history, doctors were OUTLAWED by the CDC and FDA, in the heat of the Covid Coup “deadly disease! deadly disease!”, from exploring and prescribing medically proven life saving off-label pharmaceuticals. Weird. Why?
The threat of anything interfering with the public acceptance and sales of the EUA, experimental, proprietary mRNA magic jab, would not be tolerated. Period. Enter media “disinformation” fact checkers and Biden’Harris social media censorship of ANYTHING that challenged the premeditated, lockstep narrative. The State Medical Boards, notorious for their no tolerance of doctors/pediatricians supporting their patients “personal choice” right to say yes or no to vaccines, were the frontline storm trooping calvary for the Medical/Military Industrial puppet masters. “Sorry doc, this town ain’t big enough for “off label” hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin. Now get YOU and yer goddamned drugs out of town, NOW, or suffer the license revoking consequences!!”
And from what we’ve since learned, the off-label interventions were orders of magnitude more effective at stopping covid than the proven ineffective (breakthrough! breakthrough! breakthrough!!) covid vax! It’s estimated 95%… 95% of the covid-19 deaths could have been prevented had off-label interventions like hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin not been outlawed by our trusted government health authorities and shamefully demonized and discredited by the “brought to you by Pfizer” complicit mainstream media. That’s a lot of Americans, and people worldwide, who died due to willful greed. 95% of the CDC’s reported 1.2 million covid deaths in America is approximately 1,140,000 people (like your children, your best buddy, your wife, your grandma) that might still be living among us had it not been for CDC, FDA, NIH and state medical boards corruption, a complicit Trusted News media, and Gates and Co’s opportunistic greed. The stink of criminal collusion fills the air!
It seems granting “Emergency Use Authorization” (only allowable for one drug per EUA?!) for an improperly safety tested “Operation Warp Speed” gene therapy (aka “vaccine”) would be much much more proprietary profitable to Gates and his gang of pharma/media buddies than effective, cheap, off-label interventions that would have truly saved lives. The combined collateral death damage due to outlawing physician’s use off-label pharma on the one hand, and forcing/MANDATING an improperly safety tested experimental jab on the other, appears to have resulted in a double whammy of death and disability to the countries most susceptible to fear and Big-Pharma’s relentless Vaccination Habituation campaigns, with the USA having the highest per capita covid (and covid vaxd?) deaths. Exactly as planned, or just another unfortunate side effect of an “accidental” Wuhan/Detrick lab-fab gone wrong? Please to note, the most un-vaxd Pfizer/Moderna, et all, per capita Africa also had the least per capita covid deaths reported. Interesting.
At this point in the aftermath of the Covid Coup, it should be pretty damn obvious that what’s “bad” for Mr. Bill, like having Kennedy Jr managing America’s health care by way of real science as Trump was considering in 2017, is a blessing to We the Vaccine Traumatized People. I strongly suspect (my humble opinion) Mr Gates is working with/for the commie Chinese chapter of the World Economic Forum and is doing his part to not only bring America slowly to it’s knees via slow poisoning with toxic/non-saline placebo tested vaccines, artificial/synthetic “new improved!” processed food, and genetically modified agriculture as a means to get us uppity Americans effectively out of the way so as to enable CCXi and assorted globalist misfits out of the way of their One World Order, conform-unist ambitions. Perhaps it’s Gates way of getting revenge and paying American and European society back for the trauma/nervous breakdown he experienced during the humiliating 1998/99 Microsoft Antitrust hearings (my theory). Regardless, enough Bill Gates! Time to Investigate his part in the deep collusion and, should the discovery and trail by jury warrant it, life imprisonment for Mr. Pie Face Gates and freedom for Reiner Fuellmich!!
Wanted – for Spreading “safe and effective” Ideological Vaccine Bullshit, Dr Anthony Fauci. Alive preferred.
And just in case some of you need a few more righteous indignation reminders from our formerly trusted health policy advisors as to how we got into the perilous mess we are currently in and the importance of keeping a fire under their administrative butts, why don’t we start with the Lab Fab punk who got the national Bully Ball rolling complete with shameful, high profile, celebrity endorsements (RX $$$?). Amnesty? Hoo-Haw!!! Interesting, as more and more science debate sunlight is being applied to vaccine toxic realities, Dr Franken-Fauci’s “Ideological Bullshit” statement, which recently entered the Congressional Record via Dr. McCormick’s June testimony, seems to apply more so to the slowly dying “selective science” myth of vaccines being “safe and effective”. I LOVE it!! Witness the steady decline in vaccine uptake across the board and across the world. Japan is currently up in arms!! Although it’s way way overdue, karmic retribution appears to be asserting itself! Next, accountability?
A reading from what’s now in the Congressional Record, June 3, 2024… an irate Dr. McCormick states to Dr. Fauci, “You said in an interview that you gave as part of an audio book written by Micheal Specter that you believe that institutions should make it hard for people to live their lives so they’d feel pressured to get vaccinated”, and then McCormick proceeds to play a rather damning video clip from the interview. Sayeth the aspiring BULLY, Dr. Fascist Fauci, “once people feel empowered and protected, legally, (ie, “people” = Vax Happy Bullies! “legally” = we got ya covered!!) you’re going to have schools, universities and colleges are going to say, ‘you want to come to this college buddy, you’re going to get vaccinated. Lady, you’re going to get vaccinated’. Big corporations like Amazon, and FaceBook, and all of those others are going to say, ‘you want to work for us, you get vaccinated’. And it’s been proven (UK universities and think tanks), that when you make it difficult for people in their lives, they lose their ideological bullshit, and they get vaccinated.”
Brilliant! Sounds to me like Fauci is giving a “Green light, Go!” to the hoards of Vax Happy Covidian bullies chomping at the bit to finally bust the heads of the “personal choice” demanding un-vaxd. Indeed, UK and USA social engineering studies and experiments have “proven, that when you make it difficult for people in their lives” by bullying and threatening them with the immediate loss of their livelihood, it does have a tendency to force compliance to an illegal, immoral, globalist order, no questions asked, when feeding the family is at stake and you’re already years away from getting out of debt!
Fascist Fauci openly inciting the Vax Happy Covidians to go rabid and embrace their inner bully, making life “difficult” for those who were only asking that their choice not to vax be respected, like many of us Flea Marketeers, had consequences equal to, or greater than, Trump’s coded encouraging of J6 protestors to storm the White House! If this isn’t the classic, arrogant, sick behavior of a pathological “know it all” punk, I don’t know what is. The Howard Stern, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Gene Simmons bully rants against the un-vaxd, the “progressive” Thom Hartmann (??!!) bully rants and the multitude of willfully ignorant media pinheads (“brought to you by Pfizer”) that followed, using their platforms to demonize the now vindicated un-vaxd is beyond “deplorable” and perhaps an existential reason for filing manslaughter charges against the high profile, loud mouth, self-righteous media bullies. As per recent Slay News, “During a bombshell segment on German legacy media outlet Welt (in German), the panel argued that the government owes the public an apology for claiming Covid was a “pandemic of the unvaccinated.” As a consequence of his arrogant, punk ego, I suspect Fauci would prefer suicide to public apology. And after my three years of having to fend off vax happy, covidian bullies, that’s alright with me.
The Truth of Covid Vax Side Effects vs Vaccine Hesitancy – Trump and Biden/Harris Beholden to Pharma
Fortunately, a few top shelf health officials are repentant about not speaking up about the covid jab side effects, suggesting they were not ready for prime time release on the guinea pig, media trusting public who had been primed to unquestioning Vaccination Habituationperfection over the last twenty, thirty years.
At Senator Ron Johnson’s recent July 11th Congressional Hearing, X-CDC Director Robert Redfield, who was CDC Director during the last two years of the Trump administration, made this revealing confession to the Sub Committee, “I think there was not appropriate transparency from the beginning about the potential side effects of these vaccines. And I do think there was inappropriate discussions by some to try to under report any side effects because, they argued, that would make the public less likely get vaccinated”.
Oh no! The dreaded spread of Vaccination Hesitancy that threatens Big-Pharma’s bottom line spreading faster than the “deadly disease”?! A threat to the uptake of the experimental gene therapy jab?!! There goes “Brought to you by” Pfizer’s and Moderna’s government price gouging profits!! Solution… “Permission granted to lie and deceive American citizen suckers”, whispers the complicit Trump/Pence administration as they passed the Covid Coup torch to the Mandate/Censorship happy Biden/Harris administration, continuing to willfully deceive American citizen taxpayers and withhold the truth. Criminal!! And now the useful idiot Trump continues with his 2024 boasts that his EUA Warp Speed “mass distribution” push to develop the covid vax ended the pandemic (and the lives of several thousand unwitting/true believing covid vaxd! > VAERS); the willfully ignorant Biden/Harris administration with it’s dubious claims of the number of lives saved by the “safe and effective” covid vax despite the continuing global data unequivocally proving otherwise (Our World in Data); the unprecedented spike in disability claims reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (see my 3/24 post) and increases in excess deaths reported by life insurance companies since 2021 that continue to this day. “Nothin to see here citizen suckers! Let’s keep that six foot social distance line MOVIN!!”
Redfield continues, “I do think one of the greatest mistakes that was made, of course, was mandating these vaccines. They should have never been mandated. It should have been open to personal choice”.
Mr Redfield, “personal choice”?! Oh my!
Personal Choice is the mortal threat those behind the Covid Coup/Vaccination Habituationagenda fear the most; the two words the Medical Industrial Goliath fears the most and is doing everything in its power to eliminate, and something we uppity American Flea Marketeers have been fighting for, oh, since the pre-collectibles, pre-internet, 1770’s Revolutionary War?!!. Our being allowed to have the final say about what we do, or don’t do, with our only real property, the flesh and blood bodies we are each born with, and that we will each die with, is an “unalienable right”, it seems to me. And that’s all we, the un-vaxd, have been asking all along, to have that right respected… Damn it! Franken-Fauci, etc, accusing us of “ideological bullshit”; those attempting to demonize, shame and gaslight us into compliance… opps, it appears that the puppet master’s plot has backfired big time, at least for the time being. And now with wave after wave after wave of covid (all?!) vax adverse death and disability events finally getting reluctant mainstream media attention (like it was Big Time in the 1980’s) as more and more formally vax happy advocates have been connecting the dots and red pill realizing one plus one, in this case, equals causation, the cat appears to have escaped from the “safe and effective” vaccine bag, hence, the drastic meltdown in the vax uptake across the board and, encouragingly, into the foreseeable future. Yes!!!
Sorry Thom, sorry Neil, sorry Franken-Fauci… solid empirical evidence prevails whether you willfully ignorant pharma enablers wish to acknowledge it or not! Of the 1.2 million covid deaths USA thus far, 95%, 1.14 million American lives could have been saved had “off-label” pharmaceuticals not been outlawed for use by practicing, knowledgable physicians in order to make way for the deadliest “vaccine” in vaccine history – the experimental, mRNA gene therapy jab. Personally, I feel that the Happy Vax bullies who went rabid, not respecting “personal choice” concerning vaccination, whether media vax-holes or not, should be held accountable for excessively pressuring the public, and oftentimes their fans, to get covid vaxd, only to wind up having those listeners/viewers/fans get vaccine injured. I sure am glad I don’t have that guilt tripping fk up hanging over my head. It’s time to stop kidding ourselves and stomp out Vaccination Habituation’s “safe and effective” ideological bullshit once and for all!
“First we need to liberate the colonized minds of human beings who are so alienated from the world, themselves, and their rights that they seldom believe they can make a change. Once they are convinced that equal and unalienable rights are our common birthright, then the government charged with protecting those rights will be exposed for its duplicity” Ben G. Price/CELDF
Opps, almost forgot… Don’t forget yer boosters!!
“Dismal Dave” Lancon has spoken.

Ok, play time! Lets make nifty shame/blame bumper stickers, kids.
Materials needed – 8 1/2” x 11” full sheet label paper (available at 99 cent stores, Office Depot etc..), scissors or a paper cutter, and a printer connected to your computer. Got it all? Good.
Instructions – Turn on your printer. Now use your computer cursor to grab and drag the 3/page template/image above on to your computer desktop. Using an Apple Mac? Good. Double click that image when you have it on your desktop to open in TextEdit. Click “file” in the TextEdit toolbar at the top of screen, the select “print” at the bottom of the drop down menu. This opens the printer window. Go to “orientation” and select “landscape”. The “scale” setting defaults to 100% which is likely too small. Keep changing the scale setting (200%, 300%, 330%!) until the text, side to side and top to bottom, is almost to the edges. Got it? Now click “print”. Bingo! Now take the printed sheet and cut into three bumper stickers and start sticking! EZ! Put on your daily driver rear window or bumper, your kid’s daypack, hand em out at yer local farmer’s market or… take a field trip to your local State Medical Board’s head quarters parking lot and… distribute.
Advanced/Rain Resistance for vehicle window – for reference, view the first pic at the top w the BSticker on rear window. Notice the clear tape extending +/- 1/2” on all sides. That’s what the finished application should look like.
Materials – 3” clear tape (99 cent store), scissors, razor blade.
Apply the BS about a 1/2” above the bottom of the window. Pull/cut a length of 3” tape till it is at least a couple inches longer than BS. Holding the tape about an inch from the window, center the tape holding it as flat as possible and apply the tape to the window/BS, starting at the bottom, a 1/2” below the BS. Take a second length of tape, just like the first, and place it with the bottom of tape overlapping the top of the bottomt tape by at least a 1/2”. Almost done! Trim the sides w the razor blade a 1/2” from the BS on each side. Be careful not to scratch the window!
Now, drive on over to Neil’s house, honk yer horn, tell him ya got his psycho bud pizza and when he comes out, proudly show him yer bumper sticker! … and please to send me a video of the interaction!!!
Got it? Good! Let’s put a few more nails in the vax makers coffin and get the momentum to repeal vaccination indemnification going before Big Pharma kills us all!
Dismal Dave Lancon © September 2024. All Rights Reserved.
PS. I don’t do social media, but if you’ve enjoyed and/or learned sumthin from this post, please share it w ALL your social media buddies. Greatly appreciated! See ya at the Fleas!