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Tag: bill gates

Fasten Your Seat Belts! The Trump-adelic Wild Ride Begins By Burying Biden’s Vaccine Mandates in Memory Hole?! – The FME Q1 2025 Forecast Pt. 2

Fasten Your Seat Belts! The Trump-adelic Wild Ride Begins By Burying Biden’s Vaccine Mandates in Memory Hole?! – The FME Q1 2025 Forecast Pt. 2

Happy New Year and heartfelt greetings Ladies and Gents, fellow Flea Marketeers, theta children and perfectly present pets. From my Akashic Records flea market frontlines view of the Southern California Main Street economy, it looks like things are about to get full blown “Trump-adelic” once again. Anxiety and Elation co-mingle in the aisles! But exactly what that means this time around is anybody’s guess. What I can say with confidence from being regularly “in the field” and buying/selling/dealing with such…

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And speaking of recent drone/satellite events on/off the US, east coast radar… The Flea Market Economist

And speaking of recent drone/satellite events on/off the US, east coast radar… The Flea Market Economist

In keeping with the year end tradition of economists, whether they be moonlighting, like myself, or corporate/mainstream econo’s, to go out on a speculative limb… The attached recent screen save below from X “Radar Guy” concerning high altitude mystery drone (?) sightings reoccurring regularly in the night sky, off east coast USA, getting more and more media attention… “full lockout” radio/radar signals US military drills, “off the books” satellite launches (Elon knows? Likely), CNN pre TV shoot for upcoming “breaking!”…

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Opps, Covid Vax-idents Still Happening! Trump “Warp Speed” and Biden/Harris Mandates Both to Blame! Don’t Forget to Vote!

Opps, Covid Vax-idents Still Happening! Trump “Warp Speed” and Biden/Harris Mandates Both to Blame! Don’t Forget to Vote!

(or “The Argument for Vax Happy Covidian Amnesty Dies Here”) I absolutely luv luv luv how both Trump and Biden/Harris, instead of profusely apologizing to all Americans for their parts in the VAERS confirmed, covid jabbed, “needle and the damage done”, are fighting each other to take the lions share of credit for the “life saving”, “safe and effective”, experimental mRNA “vaccines” while the complicit corporate media continues to sweep the massive increases in covid vax disability side effects (FRED,…

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Corporate Communism and the Coronavirus Cottage Industry

Corporate Communism and the Coronavirus Cottage Industry

It’s not hard to imagine these days… a communist authoritarian state, the unspoken envy of the multi-national corporate state, with global conquest ambitions developing a highly effective secret weapon, an electrical field/shield with the super power ability to deflect any and all incoming missiles from hostile enemy states enabling it to forcefully pursue it’s (belt road) global conquests, quickly winning a world war three and then, in order to maintain iron fist control of the world population, massively releasing a…

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Perception Management, The Nocebo Effect and the Coronavirus Fear Campaign

Perception Management, The Nocebo Effect and the Coronavirus Fear Campaign

Not so long ago in the Land of Modern Economics it was assumed that we humans were rational, critically thinking beings; masters of our own perceptions that would always make rational decisions. Funny what fear, uncertainty and panic can do to those now obsolete economic behavioral assumptions. Whether based on empirical evidence or long held, but false beliefs, perception is everything… All I wanted was some bananas. It was the Saturday morning of the mid March weekend that the “shelter…

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Selective Science, Cognitive Dissonance and the Covid “Disruptive Disease”

Selective Science, Cognitive Dissonance and the Covid “Disruptive Disease”

Just like a “disruptive disease” can be exploited to wreck controlled chaos on a society, soon, the tide turns and the cognitive dissonance awakened by an arbitrary double standard of “selective science” comes to pay it’s respects… Can’t say I wasn’t expecting it, can say I was certainly looking forward to it… the last LA County swap meet to close was also the first swap meet to reopen since the lockdown/shelter in place began last March! Yes!! One small step…

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Lives or Livelihoods… The Unfolding Corona Conundrum

Lives or Livelihoods… The Unfolding Corona Conundrum

Sometimes I hate being the Devil’s Advocate… heh heh heh. Concerning the Corona Virus… what’s more important, lives or livelihoods? That seems to depend on who you ask. As the corona smoke slowly begins to settle, as the US covid death count passes 200,000 and begins to slow down and taper off, as the data on the number of permanently closed, family owned and operated Main Street and corporate businesses trickles in and what that reality means to our families…

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