No Jab, No Job?! I Quit! – The Stand-Off Between Labor and Big-Pharma Fascism
It seems the unspoken adverse effect of the Spring 2020 covid lock downs has now materialized into the obnoxious elephant running rampant smack dab in the middle of American labor’s living room. Pharmaceutical Fascism. Some of you saw it long before the lockdowns, others are finally beginning to notice… the slow, steady creep of Vaccination Habituation, Big-Pharma’s Holy Grail, now being attempted by Biden’s covid vaccine mandate. Of course, once again, the corporate and indi media’s six figure labor pundits and econos are fearful of calling this latest attempt at bullying workers for it what it is, for fear of adding to the growth of profoundly legitimate challenges to the official Corona Kool-Aid narrative. Shameful. It seems spines are also experiencing a supply shortage these days.
Hot off the New York Times, “A record number of U.S. workers quit their jobs in September… while thousands more are protesting pay or working conditions.” And from a recent op-ed by former US Secretary of Labor, Robert Reich, “workers are reluctant to return to or remain in their old jobs mostly because they’re burned out.” Well, yeah, ever since Reagan, wages not keeping up with cost of living as unions and labor’s rights are decimated, deteriorating working conditions most often due to the ongoing budget cuts and regulatory capture of oversight agencies, and after thirty five plus years of going in reverse, worker burnout is to be expected.
But have you noticed the media silence concerning the belligerent elephant in the room; the final, most egregious straw that’s making labor speak up, go on strike and say loud and clear, “Fk Off! Take your Jab and Shove It!!”? The non-stop bullying from the fascist, authoritarian Medical Industrial Complex using the Biden administration and their fed/state/local health oaf-ficial flunkies for cover in their desperate attempt to force any and all recalcitrant vax-skeptics, anti-vaxxers and just plain vanilla, “keep yer goddamn hands off my body and off my personal health choices”, salt of the earth workin’ folks, appears to have met a growing tidal wave of righteous indignation. The shame/blame, media campaign doesn’t seem to be helping much either. And contrary to the mainstream media deception, the “shove yer jab!” resistance is not only from the right, but also from the very informed center and left. As much as the corporate and Hartmann indi media tries to paint this as a right wing Trumpster thing, this is truly a bi-partisan issue. Yours truly, Dismal Dave, is an Eisenhower Progressive Republican (??!!) and no fan of Trumpty Dumpty.
It seems that with these most recent vax mandates and vax passports, big-pharma has officially crossed the line into blatant Pharmaceutical Fascism, and that’s not going down so well with my fellow Flea Marketeers and as much as one third of the American labor force; from teachers to nurses, from parents to police, from warehouse workers to food delivery; the no longer silent many who would rather quit or be fired from their job, than covid jabbed. Will President Biden soon realize that his vax mandate is only adding fuel to the ongoing fire of labor unrest and the labor shortage that began before covid? Does he and the unseen entities controlling him care? Are these vaccine mandates and passes just a last ditch attempt to get as many workers/people vaxxed before the entire situation gets exposed for the crime that it is? The growing unrest that happens between now and Biden’s do or die January 4th deadline should be very telling.

Let’s cut to the chase. The April 10th issue of The Economist gently hinted at the primary reason the Covid Pharma Elephant was going full, bully fascist, attempting to thoroughly destroy any and all attempts for a worker’s right to chose to vax or not to vax – Pharma is quickly losing control of their perception of being trusted health care, “expert” saviors! Their survival is at stake and cornered critters can get desperately mean when their life is threatened, especially an elephant. Said the Economist, “Before the pandemic Big Pharma was in big trouble. It was widely criticized for investing more in marketing than in research… and for alleged price gouging”. No! Really?! Big-Pharma? Price Gouging?! Of course there’s also the recent oxycontin attempted denial and cover-up and the FDA’s 2020 approval of the Shingle’s vaccine, Zostavax, that wound up being a bit premature and recalled, and on and on and on. Mentioned in the same Econo article, in 2019, Gallup ranked “two dozen big industries by favorability, the drug business came in last”. Big-Pharma is the stinky, lying scum at the bottom of the credibility barrel. This doesn’t do well for drug sales, this doesn’t do well for drug messaging, nor for attempts to control the “real science” narrative. And then there’s the looming threat from an increasing array of superior, safer, time tested natural consumer health choices, high-tech light/sound scanning devices and hand held apps that would enable all us working folks to take our health care options into our own hands and out of the control of the Health Insurance middle man and Medical Industrial Complex, something these fascist, power hungry entities have every intention of stopping dead in it’s tracks before it’s too late.
Heh heh heh. It may already be too late! Another self-inflicted nail in Big-Pharma’s coffin, please…
Big-Pharma and the Medical Industrial Elephant are fully aware that working consumers are “Take yer Jab and Shove It!” fed up with their heavy handed manipulation of what’s left of our woefully mismanaged health care system. The Covid Pandemic made sure of that. America now has the dubious distinction of not only having the most expensive health care amongst industrialized, OECD nations, but also the worst health care system on the planet as increases in chronic, life threatening disease continue to rise, along with Big-Pharma’s profits, while our life expectancy declines. And all under Fauci’s wandering eye as he came to head the NIAID in 1984. Japan, which has the longest life expectancy in the world, not only ranks highest in most health metrics, but is also one of the least invasive where vaccination is concerned. (Shhh! Pharma doesn’t want you to know that!) Unlike America, the most vaccine jabbed per capita country in the world, they respect the rights of their citizens to chose to vax or not to vax. Also, unlike America, they do not allow pharmaceutical companies to advertise in their country. No Big-Pharma media manipulated FEAR campaigns, no siree! A recent online message from their Prime Minister to the Japanese citizens, “Vaccines will never be administered without the recipient’s consent. We urge the public never to coerce vaccinations at the workplace or upon others around them, and never to treat those who have not received the vaccine in a discriminatory manner.” What? A civilized, covid vaccination state policy based on respect of a citizen’s choice?! Contrast this with President Biden’s recent guilt trip tip to big-pharma, “The vast majority of you who have gotten vaccinated, I understand your anger at those who haven’t gotten vaccinated. You’ve been patient, but our patience is wearing thin.” As Trump blatantly encouraged his faithful followers to storm troop the White House on January 6th, it seems Mr. Biden is using similar disingenuous shame/blame/anger tactics, not to serve the American public, but to serve his Medical Industrial and Insurance Company campaign contributors. Hey Thom, hey Amy, hey Pacifica and “Trusted News Initiative” corporate media… ya listening?! No adolescent American, divisive, guilt trippin, lefty shame/blame games allowed in grown up Japan!! How friggin refreshing!
Nuremberg Code: Directives for Human Experimentation: 1. The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.
I also can’t help wondering if there is indeed a Correlation/Causation dynamic with higher vaccinations per capita and increases in chronic disease per capita, something big-pharma and their numerous true believing enablers would rather never ever be “double blind”, scientifically studied and made known to us “common” working folks. The results of double blind, “real science” are often not welcome by those who prefer the biased, pick and choose options of “selective science”. Just ask Ignaz Semmellweis who had the gall to suggest physicians wash their hands and surgical tools before delivering babies, etc., in order to stop the rampant death, injury and disease sweeping through his Vienna obstetrical clinic in the mid 1850’s. From his latest Wikipedia entry, “Despite various publications of results where hand washing reduced mortality to below 1%, Semmelweis’s observations conflicted with the established scientific and medical opinions of the time and his ideas were rejected by the medical community. He could offer no acceptable scientific explanation for his findings (pre germ theory!), and some doctors were offended at the suggestion that they should wash their hands and mocked him for it.” Willful ignorance, arrogance and confirmation bias seems to have quite a history in medical science continuing to this day. Alas, it seems the carefully crafted, long held assumption of the unquestioning safety of any and all vaccines is about to meet reality concerning Warp Speed coronavirus vaccines. If covid didn’t adversly effect or kill your granny, maybe the experimental “safe and effective” mRNA vaccines will. The perception of safety for all vaccines has now been compromised as Big-Pharma’s greed and over reach are now in the process of bringing the entire vaccine edifice down. Boy, did big-pharma phuck up! The weekly updates to the VAERS/adverse injuries tracking system are especially proof positive of this (18.4K dead, 875K vax reactions 11/5/21), especially when one considers any hanky panky false reports filed could result in a Felony prison conviction, ie, jail buddy; something our lying by omission corporate and indi media continues to intentionally overlook.
Nuremberg Code: Directives for Human Experimentation: 5. No experiment should be conducted where there is an a priori reason to believe that death or disabling injury will occur.
Oh my! In 1976, President Gerald Ford stopped his CDC reccommended attempt to vax mandate all American citizens during a bad Swine Flu season when the confirmed deaths due to the vaccine had reached a measly 54 dead Americans. What a wimp!! As per VAERS, we are currently up to about 18,000 reported dead Americans and rising. I can’t help wonder what President Biden’s and America’s decorated Health Czar, Dr. Franken-Fauci’s magic “Hold That Vax!!” number might be. Maybe when the global population gets to the pre-industrial revolution level recomended on the first line of the mysterious Geogia Guidestones. Population management? We’ll let the upcoming Nuremberg 2 trials determine that. And then there’s the embassasing likelihood that up to 85% of American (and global?!!) covid deaths didn’t have to happen had early interventions not been obstructed and vilified by our trusted, ivory tower health officials That’s a lot of friends and relatives who didn’t have to die because of Big-Pharma’s greed, fear generating media campaign and their vast army of smug, true believing, savior vaccine enablers. Will history look back at this pandemic mandate as Biden’s/Fauci’s/Big-Pharma’s “murder mandate”?
No jab, no job? Well, if you insist… “take yer goddamn medically invasive jab and shove it up yer… !!!”
In retrospect, it appears the spring 2020 global lock downs were a dress rehearsal as the forced cessation of most working life inadvertently primed American and global societies for the long overdue, the long simmering threat of a General Strike by righteously indignant labor who were facing the threat of losing their jobs, losing their businesses, and possibly losing their homes. As the months went by, the suggestion of a two week “we’re all in this together” temporary inconvenience turned into feelings of helplessness to, and for some rage against, the powers that be, which usually meant “the government” and it’s network of underfunded, and often incompetent, health entities. In his book, “The Premonition”, Micheal Lewis really nails the CDC’s Keystone Cops approach to mismanaging the coronavirus pandemic. Resentment for being deceived for so long by so many we were told to trust seems to be the operative word putting the wind in the sails of disillusioned labor these days. Workers were beginning to feel their faith and trust in the system was being abused as blatant double standards for what constituted an “essential business” was unfairly different for corporations than for Main Street small businesses, until finally…
The Big-Pharma elephant pushes too hard and breaks the dam! Thanks to Covid Chaos, Main Street workers have finally had enough of being taken for granted, of constantly being lied too, and now being shoved up against a wall of mandated pharmaceutical fascism! “No Jab, No Job?!” Ya don’t say… “Phuck Off Pharma! Take yer jab and shove it!”, now seems to be growing into a Global Anthem as labor’s building resentment and frustration finally meets the last straw. And long overdue!.
The decades of falling/stagnant wages for workers while CEO wages continue their disproportionate climb; the constant, 24/7 cost of living and time tax increases in developed nations; the ever expanding chasm of economic injustice in most nations, etc, etc… has finally hit the breaking point with these blatantly unfair, unjust and Nuremberg tainted, illegal covid vaccination mandates, brought to us by the Medical Industrial Complex that now co-owns and CONTROLS our government and our intentionally fear and stress inducing, tabloid corporate media. Or haven’t you noticed? All the physicians and pediatricians with actual patient practices, all the frontline ER docs, all the research virologists and Nobel Prize epidemiologists who dared to suggest “over reaction, kids” since early covid 2020, have now been vindicated as the data smoke settles on the high likelihood (reality?!) that this Covid Chaos mismanagement not only resulted in untold needless covid deaths (estimated at 85% by FLCCC?!!!) due to a misplaced, exclusive focus on a savior vaccine, but was also likely to have been a premeditated, pre-planned event from the US/China/Gates Foundation/EcoHealth Alliance get go. Thanks to the corona virus pandemic and those wonderful, fear inducing, Wuhan fish market optics, Hong Kong is now firmly under Commie China control (as planned?) and, unlike Tiananmen Square, they never had to fire a shot! Hmmmm, Taiwan?! Another round of Gain of Fauci, lab fab “escape”?

As for uppity American labor… that growing tidal wave of pissed off worker RESENTMENT and ANGER continues to grow and judging from the size of the swell on the horizon, it might just be beyond the control of Fascist Pharma and their Biden administration puppets. What we are experiencing may not erupt into a full blown General Strike, but it will effectively be a globally migrating, “One Hell of a Strike!” due to anti-mandate protests, Austria, being the latest to push back against the mandated batshit. Like many cities and provinces are already doing in Canada, Biden would be wise to stand down on this one unless he doesn’t mind seeing all his hard earned, “pro-labor” credibility go up in another tainted batch of recalled covid vax.
America’s Fatal Fk Up – Allowing Pharmaceutical and Medical Advertising
So how did this happen? The Medical Industrial elephant entered the national conversation long before the beginning of the covid. It is now full grown rogue and has since plopped it’s phat pharma ass right in the middle of the ongoing corona narrative for all to see. Unfortunately, until now, most haven’t. America is only one of two countries (New Zealand currently the only other sucker) dumb enough to allow the exploitive Medical Industrial Complex the right to advertise their often dubious, vaccine indemnified, and sometimes deadly pharma products to an increasingly uninformed (ideally!) consumer. This massive money influence on media began in the 1985 when “Direct to Consumer Marketing” (DTCM) for pharmaceutical drugs was legalized for print media. In 1997, things really took off for pharma when they were allowed to begin advertising on television/broadcast media. Unfortunately, it now appears to be entrenched in ALL of our media landscape and the M.I. Complex, Big-Pharma and Big-Chemical wouldn’t have it any other way.
You see, it’s not just about selling drugs. No NO NO!!! As Gerald Posner recently exposed in his 2020 book ‘“Pharma”, long before DTCM was legalized in America, the publishing and public relations arms of the now notorious Sackler Family (Perdue, opioids) were quietly and profitably writing copy… and influence… through their medical publishing empire, crafting and refining consumer and health care professional sales campaigns as they went along, hitting their stride by the 1970’s. As the pharma and medical industry grew, so did the millions, then billions of dollars spent crafting subconscious, persuasive, psychological sales campaigns, delivered via the available media that their public relations/marketing dollars could control and/or influence, always with the intention of steering a target market/demographic, and eventually an entire society, in a desired direction… ie, a corporate psychological operation to make our marshmallow minds receptive to eventually embracing the neo-liberal, neo-fascist (kissing cousins!) globalist ideologies they are aggressively promoting, while selling us consumers a bunch of often useless drugs we’d be much better off without. The success of the unquestioning, subtle acclimation to government subsidized, big-pharma profitable vaccinations, whether necessary or not, case in point. Shall we follow more money?
As per the March 2016 Thrillist, “In 2014, drug companies spent $4.5 Billion on DTCM. Pharmaceutical advertising has spiraled so far out of control that the American Medical Association last year (2015) proposed an outright ban on it arguing that “a growing proliferation of ads is driving demand for expensive treatments despite the clinical effectiveness of less costly alternatives.” It’s not only amazing that there were those in the AMA critical of pharma’s focus on the more expensive and profitable drug options, but it also seems to describe exactly what is happening right now between the media’s demonizing safe and effective, “less costly” ivermectin, etc vs. the media praise for government subsidized, proprietary patented ($$$), still experimental coronavirus “savior” vaccines. All of this the result of the strangle hold the health insurance companies have on our available options as they slowly steer any working employee and every doctor involved with a health insurance plan into the gravitational pull of the Medical Industrial Complex with it’s large print emphasis on “approved protocols only” and unspoken emphasis on total Vaccination Habituation. Shhhh. Don’t tell anyone. It’s supposed to be a secret!

Now, imagine what a power hungry, pathological entity like Big-Pharma can do when it has the ability to own and influence much of, if not all, the corporate and indi media? Enter the recently (?) assembled “Trusted News Initiative”, a media consortium consisting of the corporate and social media big boys like Reuters, Associated Press, BBC, FaceBook, The Financial Times etc, all agreeing (conspiring) to do the bidding of their pharmaceutical paymaster by not only crafting a pre-approved narrative, but also discrediting and/or outright censoring any and all challenges to the official coronavirus narrative, in particular, the off-label use of effective, generic drugs. The Perdue Sacklers would be envious! Witness the 2021 censorship by YouTube/Alphabet of the extensive interview between Brett Weinstein and one of the principal research scientists of the mRNA vaccine, Dr. Robert Malone, revealing how he tried to warn Pfizer that their experimental covid vax had some issues and was not ready for prime time. “Sorry! Got a Trumped up, Warp Speed, proprietary Fauci deadline to meet. We’ll deal with the guinea pig, mRNA “externalities” later. Oh, by the way, no jab, no job!” Fortunately, Dr. Malone’s recent two hour, Happy Holidays interview with Joe Rogan is getting lots of deserved attention, the day after he got booted from Twitter for reasons Twitter refuses to disclose. Isn’t it amazing how similar the censorship/cancel tactics the Trusted News Initiative and their satellite entities use are to Mein Hitler’s Nazi’s?!
When a group of entities conspire to do a particular action, conspires to control the messaging, just as the Trusted News Initiative has done with covid, that is the legal definition of a “conspiracy”. This is not conspiracy theory, this is a documented, conspiracy fact! All the dress rehearsed corporate media and big-pharma/WHO public relations firms, all joining in a choir of collusion as they release their wind-up media rubber duckies, quacking, “Deadly Disease! Shelter in Place! Fear Fear Fear!!” while “We’re all in this together” hypnotically hums in the background, not so subtly priming the vulnerable and unquestioning obedient for the promised savior vaccination… the final and ONLY solution to returning to pre-pandemic normal. “No generic, proven life saving, off-label ivermectin protocols allowed!!”, sayeth the Health and Life Insurance Company corporate masters. This entire Covid Kool-Aid Chaos has been nothing more than a ruse to dig America further down the government subsidized Vaccination Habituation path; nothing more than a desperate attempt by the Medical Industrial Complex to destroy any and all unapproved, “alternative”, natural healing threats to it’s existence; nothing more than a ruse by Big-Pharma to sell an unnecessary, proprietary $$$ vax on their INDEMNIFIED, non-disclosure, Non-negotiable terms to a captive country near you. South/Central America, Africa, alas. Step aside obsolete IMF and World Bank! Outta the way Socialism, Communism and Marxism! Here comes Free Market, Pharmaceutical Fascism!
“But, but… we need free market exploiting Pharma and shelter in place lockdowns! People are dying!!’ Indeed. And we always will. In case you haven’t noticed, if you been born, you’re gonna die, whether from covid, from cancer, or just maybe from the preventable “iatrogenic” doctor/prescription/hospital cause of death (John Hopkins c. 2016 #3 cause of US death)… it is part of the life/death cycle, part of our earthly, GAIA existence. Blame it on God/Creator/Source if you choose, but in covid’s case the blame for as many as 85% of American covid deaths, according the the FLCCC’s Dr’s Kory, Marik, etc, lies not on Trumpty Dumpty, as Mr. Hartmann and indi media would suggest, but SOLIDLY on the global Medical Industrial Complex and their shadowy shot callers that effectively banned hospitals from treating covid cases with anything other than insurance company approved protocols, effectively limiting life saving options, as Pulitzer nominated Micheal Capuzzo so vividly brought to light in his article, “The Drug That Cracked Covid”. Sorry, “No ivermectin interventions or nuisance family members allowed!!”, reads the sign over the TV in the ER waiting room. Criminal? Ya think? All the proven life saving, early interventions that could have saved your granny, your best friend, your son and daughter, your husband or wife who were left to die alone in a hospital ICU to the dim, dimming sound of a ventilator as the hospital rings up another $30,000 for “cause of death, coronavirus”… despicable. I do anticipate the “Vax Everyone!” shame blamer’s over at Camp Covid Nazi about to be getting an unpleasant taste of their own medicine in the not too distant future. Gotta love karmic, rushed to market, mRNA retribution!
Plain and simple, if we aspire to make America proud again, we not only need to get pharma lobbyists the hell out of our politics, we desperately need to turn off Big-Pharma’s social engineering manipulations by revoking their ability to spend money on advertising, influence and outright psy-op propaganda on any and all American media, just like most of the rest of the world does! Unless, of course, we Americans want to insist on being the dumbest, sickest and most gullible idiots in the room.
Yes, I will have another heapin helping of our current hypocritical double standard democracy. Thank you for asking!
As previously mentioned but well worth mentioning again, “resentment for being deceived for so long by so many we were told to trust seems to be the operative word putting the wind in the sails of disillusioned labor these days.” Ah yes, hints of Thomas Paine, Upton Sinclair and Jack London. While we may not have a full blown, stop the world General Strike, a year and a half of double standard, “do as I say, not as I do” health and elected official mis-guidance can build up a whole lot of labor resentment. The two weeks of “shelter in place” inconvenience that turned out to be a multi-month (minimum) death knell to so many businesses and livelihoods, damn! All the parents that had to suddenly change their work lives to accommodate their out of school children, damn! The constantly changing “selective science” guidance that led to labor’s psychological stress and confusion, damn! All that “damn!” of pent up frustration… and now the drama and pressure brought on by the vax mandates. Bullies just don’t seem to know when to quit! As for those elected oaf-ficials…

What most folks don’t know is that all members of Congress, our elected representatives in the House and Senate, from Adam “Covid Kool-Aid” Schiff to Mitch “Commie Asset” McConnell, are exempt from covid vaccination mandates, whether they chose to vax or not, as it should be for each and every one of us. Yet all Federal employees, many many State/County/City employees and those employed by large private corporations are now, or will soon be, Biden/Big-Phrama mandated to “jab up” or seek employment elsewhere as they kiss their hard earned pensions good-bye. Politicians admonishing us working folks for challenging their hypocrisy seems to elicit an instantaneous “Jab it up yer ass!!” from those of us with an aversion to our increasing double standard democracy. This contradiction is such a perfect illustration of how our elected leaders seem to think they are exempt from setting a noble example for others to follow. Is it any wonder that American labor is so friggin fed up with “know it all” political posturing, whether republicans, democrats or none of the above, who call “the shots”?
Turning the Pharma Fascist Bully into bonafide “Real Science” Medicine
Workers all over the world are finally beginning to realize they have been WHO/CDC/Big-Pharma Fauci hoodwinked and I am loving it!! Since the earliest days of Corona Chaos I had strongly suspected that the entire operation was mainly a ruse by Big-Pharma to exploit a bad flu virus (99% – 99.5% survivability) and get the entire US and Euro Union, and ideally all OECD governments, to spend big big money on a patented, savior, money making vaccine patiently waiting in the wings. According to the NY Times, Pfizer alone is looking at $65 Billion in sales for the 2021/2022 vax-o-nation season, while Moderna is clocking in at $18 Billion for 2021 from sales of their mRNA Warp Speed vaccines, almost exclusively under indemnified, non-disclosure terms, to nations desperate to get their not so magic vax. (Opps! breakthroughs!) It’s been Big-Pharma’s vaccination acclimation MO ever since the beginning of the school vaccination schedule that roughly began when the 1977 Childhood Immunization Initiative was introduced. From the recent November 1st Time Magazine, “Schools have probably been the most important agent of the U.S. being a highly vaccinated population”. Big-Pharma knows right where the action is and how to exploit it and they have been expanding their sleazy vax tactics ever since. Dope dealers ain’t got nothin on Pharma’s “detail” teams! Not only does it get the U.S. government (US taxpayers) and the United Nations/WHO to pay for it, it also begins the intended psychological acclimation (addiction?) of our children as they skip unconsciously along the road to adulthood and eventual, safe as milk, vaccination habituation, never ever giving a thought to the possibility that there may be better ways to maintain the health of their bodies and the integrity of their God given immune system. Genius! And fkng EVIL.
Oh oh oh!! But vaccines are “real science”!!! Heh heh heh… “real science”. The history of science is littered with perhaps hundreds, if not thousands of examples of “real science” falling by the discredited wayside as empirical evidence and discoveries came along that challenged the “real science” assumptions of it’s day. Remember, “Real Science” once insisted that Earth was flat, and most recently, that Theranos/Elizabeth Holmes was the best “real science” to come along in a long time. Opps. There’s a sucker born every minute.
If I’m not mistaken, when it comes to pharmaceutical drugs, vaccines or natural substances; bonafide, credible, “double blind” science studies must include a “control group” which doesn’t know whether or not it has received the substance being tested or a placebo, in order to determine the actual effectiveness of the product being tested. In an informal, but in many cases just as scientifically solid study, the control group could simply be those who have not received the substance being considered vs. those who have. Hmmm. All those protesting parents and teachers and law enforcement personel, etc, refusing to vax for a multitude of reasons seem to fit the criteria of this informal, but just as scientifically valid, control group.

Ya see, unbeknownst to most, Pfizer really phucked up by effectively destroying their “real science” mRNA vax study when, in a moment ethical sympathy, they gave those in their vax control group the option to take the still experimental vaccine, the enticement being that those who accepted would now be spared the ravages of the corona “deadly disease” (99% – 99.5% survivability). Most in the Pfizer control group accepted this generous, humanitarian offer. Concerning their coronavirus vax, Pfizer no longer has a “real science” leg to stand on since the control group was effectively eliminated from the government required study that would have gone on for at least two years, not only to determine the reality of the vaccine’s effectiveness, but also to monitor side effects… those “adverse reactions” we’ve been hearing so much about as the VAERS numbers continue to climb and climb while Grusom, Fauci and Biden push harder and harder for all those hold-out, non-vaxxed “hillbillies” to do the “right thing” and get the jab. Right.
Another minor detail I just discovered concerning Pfizer’s “real science” study… Apparently the FDA is giving cover for Pfizer by kinda sorta refusing to release FOIA requests for entirety of results of Pfizer’s EAU vax studies. Apparently it’s industry standard to control compliance to FOIA requests by slowly slowly releasing (redacted) records so as to effectively delay any embassing information before their public relations departments can head it off at the pass. By the time ALL the 300K (?!) pages of Pfizer covid vax data are slowly released, it will be AD 2076. It’s highly likely that by 2076 all those who participated in the study, whether vaxd or placebo group, or you and I, will be comfortably rotting six feet under when all the results and damning information are finally revealed to the public. Great way to not only avoid any embarrassment, but also lawsuits. According to attorney Aaron Siri, ”The federal government shields Pfizer from liability. Gives it billions of dollars. Makes Americans take its product. But won’t let you see the data supporting its product’s safety and efficacy. Who does the government work for?”, something a lot of us seem to be asking these days. Is anyone’s “COVER-UP” radar beginning to go off or is it just me and Reiner Fuellmich?
Ladies, gents, my fellow non-vaxxed Flea Marketeers and laborer workers from all walks of life and occupations… We’ve got a hell of a responsibility not only to ourselves and our families, but to society to maintain the integrity of a bonafide real science control group by holding our ground and refusing to vax for whatever personal reasons you may have!! Real Science, vs the pick and choose “selective science” Big-Pharma would prefer, is at stake here. How in the hell are we really gonna know just what the hell is going on with these Warp Speed vaccines if everyone if vaxxed? Heh heh heh. Maybe that’s the point. Take a moment to pause and think about that.
Pathological Pharmaceutical Fascism. Do you see the rogue elephant in the room now? Good. Most importantly, we all have an obligation to reality, we all have an obligation to the fkng TRUTH to maintain the integrity of our increasingly threatened and constantly intimidated “Take Your Jab and Shove It” control group and the integrity of our increasingly fragile civil liberties! Democracy? “Gee Toto, if it looks and smells lke Nazi Germany… “. It’s only our society’s future that’s at stake, that’s all.
Stand firm till Biden, Grusom and Big-Pharma/Fauci stand down! It’s just a matter of time.
Whew! Thanks for reading my latest manifesto! Next up, adventures in Medical Industrial “Moral Hazard”!! Stay tuned!
Dismal Dave Lancon
Dismal Dave Lancon © November 2021. All Rights Reserved. Part 5 of an ongoing coronavirus/economics/labor series. President Xi and son of a Mitch McConnell photos protected by US Copyright “Fair Use” satire exemptions. All other photo/captions are Dave Lancon copyright. Vax mandate protest photos, 11/2021 Downtown Los Angeles, Ca.
Do something, damnit!! Activist Resources:
PERK – for a timely protests/events near you
Organic Consumers Association – for actions and updates on the interface between Big-Pharma, Big-Ag, Big-Chemical/GMO’s… and Bill Gates
Stand for Health Freedom – for updates on civil heath rights, issues and actions
Children’s Health Defense – Longtime advocacy for responsible, truthful medicine and vaccine info. Robert Kennedy Jr. picks up where Ralph Nader fears to go! RK Jr’s latest book, “The Real Anthony Fauci”, a must read!
PS, this just in… as luck would have it, I caught the end of a December NPR show where the guest, Ralph Nader, seemed to suggest his support for a citizens covid vaccination right to choose. Yeah Ralph!!
10 thoughts on “No Jab, No Job?! I Quit! – The Stand-Off Between Labor and Big-Pharma Fascism”
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Thank you! It’s sorta like old school building a clientele at flea markets… word of mouth and one reader at a time.
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Warm Regards
J. O.
Thanks for the heads up sport but I got more money than I know what to do with! Why don’t you send your kind offer to Bill and Molinda Gates Foundation. They can use the money to buy more useless infertility GAVI vaccines for their developing nation clients like your country. Tell em Dismal sent ya!
Hello! This is my first visit to your blog! We are a team of volunteers and starting a new initiative in a community in the same niche. Your blog provided us useful information to work on. You have done an outstanding job.