Tipping Point Ahead? – Excess Mortality due to Covid Vaccine Slowly Disables US Labor Market! – Pt. 3 The 2024, Q1/Q2 Flea Market Forecast
“If you build it, they will come!” Oh yeah? Where’s the Labor to build it?!
“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society” – Krishnamurti
The trend in excess deaths and disabilities being reported from health and labor authorities and life insurance companies in the G20 countries, which are coincidentally the most covid vaxd countries, continues and will likely continue for the next few years. The most vaxd per capita country, Portugal, is a prime example. The labor shortages I mentioned due to covid vax side effects in my January 2023 forecast, continue. The illegal immigration crisis on our southern border will continue. Why? Because all those “help wanted” signs in just about every industry in America, like I said over a year ago, ain’t going away anytime soon. Yes, there may be less of them, but they certainly haven’t gone away. Far from it!
My educated hunch is that the labor shortage, undeniably caused by the covid vaccine side effects disabling workers (obvious to those monitoring VAERS, FRED/St Louis Fed, etc), will force employers to demand state and federal relaxation of immigration policies to allow more skilled and unskilled labor entry into the USA as quickly as possible to meet service and manufacturing demand, as well as to keep re-shoring US supply chains up to speed. That ongoing 10% – 12% excess sigma 6 death rate (low estimate) being reported by life insurance companies and many countries health data (Germany, Poland, Finland), and NOT being reported in our censorship by omission, brain dead media and the complicit labor economists, is going to translate into a lot of lost labor force that will need to be replaced in order to keep our economy, as we currently know it, moving along. Between the excess deaths and the equally alarming rise in infertility amongst covid vaxd women, the drop in population is going to be moving a little faster than originally forecast in 2019. But why take my word for it? Let’s take a peek at the recently updated, very pretty FRED graph that the St Louis Fed maintains…
“Every picture tells” a pretty damning story, don’t it? Note how that blue line just keeps on going up and up and up shortly after the release of the emergency use authorized, “safe and effective”, mRNA gene therapy jab hit the street in December 2020. Coincidence? And, wasn’t that “Pie Face” Gates all over the media for several months saying the “deadly disease” pandemic won’t stop “until everyone gets vaccinated”? Pass me a cream pie please.
Even more interesting to me, a moonlighting economist, why aren’t any of the big boy, mainstream media or academia labor economists talking about this over 20% rise in disabilities amongst the “civilian labor force” that began, “coincidently”, right after the vax rollout began? To me this screams, “National Security Issue!!” and absolutely needs to be investigated yesterday! But our government, our administrative state, and big-pharma, for some weird reason, are doing everything they can to avoid that discussion and that investigation. During the Covid Chaos, have you ever found yourself asking, “what the fuck is going on here?”, as the cognitive dissonance slowly clears? Some may still be holding fast to the “Safe and effective” pharma marketing indoctrination for now, but in the next two years, I would estimate that most will be convinced that unsafe and defective is the mRNA vax reality many of us vaccine skeptics have been trying to get through their skulls for years. The willfully ignorant appear to be the slowest learners and, some would say, the worst employees (article here).
Whether it’s Main Street USA or multi-national corporations based here in America, labor, whether skilled or unskilled, continues to be in short supply, which is why entities like the US Chamber of Commerce tend to look the other way regarding illegal immigration. Immigrants, be they legal or not, will be needed to make up for all the US workforce now disabled and unable to work due to the unsafe and defective, iatrogenic covid jab, pushed on gullible Americans by the CDC,FDA, Fauci/Gates, etc. US News reported last June, “the ratio of open jobs to the number of unemployed – rose recently in a sign the labor market remains misaligned between the demand for workers and those available”. It appears that misalignment is still happening as every “jobs/unemployment” report since then confirms. If you have a normal pulse, you are currently, and for the foreseeable future, employable. At least in the big cities/towns. Depending on your skill set, maybe even highly $$$ employable. Great demand, limited supply, economics 101!! That’s the good news for those able bodied, have the appropriate skill sets, a desire to work and are of sound mind. As for the others…
Since I last brought up the potential for a slow decimation of our labor force over a year ago (and Ed Dowd and his team doing deep data dives for much longer!), below are several juicy select headlines and quotes complete with links that I’ve gathered over the last year to illustrate to those who may still have doubts and/or are new to this blatant, iatrogenic (side effects) issue. But before getting deeper into this, for those who are mRNA vaxd and boosted, who are extremely concerned about the side effects of a medical intervention they were socially coerced and/or employer forced to take despite their intuitive reservations, but are curious/brave/pissed off enough to continue reading, there is hope! It seems a small percentage of the covid vaccines produced and administered were inert placebos! Maybe you are one of those very lucky ones. On the other end of the spectrum, it’s “only” about eight to twenty percent of the vaxd who experience side effects. This number may change to something more accurate now that the CDC lost a recent ICAN lawsuit (Del Bigtree) and had to surrender the covid vax side effects data from it’s V-Safe program/app. If it’s been a couple years since your last covid booster and you still feel fine, Yaay! You probalbly have nothing to worry about. However, if you are experiencing physical/mental conditions that began after being mRNA injected, I would strongly suggest you visit the FLCCC website where doctors Kory and Marik are keeping up with the latest medical interventions to help reverse what the toxic, “brought to you by Pfizer”, et al, vax has done. The odds are your regular allopathic medicine doctor, though well intentioned, may be in gaslighting (guilt) denial about damages attributed to the mRNA jabs (Pfizer payroll?!); too busy due to increase in patients suffering after affects from vax to be able to research iatrogenic, after effects management and make individual recommendations, or is too burnt out to care. Four years of often intense drama, equals trauma. If your doctor is not sympathetic to your suspected vax related side effect, find another doctor, NOW!!
Opps! Vax-idents Happen! Don’t forget your booster! – Vaccine induced Disabilities are very lucrative for Hospitals, Doctors, Big-Pharma… and the County Morgue
Let’s start with x-Wall Street analyst, Ed Dowd, one of the first people to investigate and report on the life insurance company data showing the increase in death and disabilities post vax rollout, “When analyzing disabilities, it’s interesting to note that there were no excess disabilities in 2020.” Ya don’t say? Ok, a baseline has been established!! This Senate Panel On The Vaccines Is The Red Pill We’ve All Been Waiting For – Midwestern Doctor 2/24
“74% of Triple-Vaxxed Canadians Now Have VAIDS, Government Data Shows”, reports Canada NewsAddicts last September. “The problem we’re seeing here is that the immune system isn’t returning to its original and natural state.” (surprise surprise!) However, “Instead, it continues to decline at a rate that means the not-vaccinated population has a better-performing immune system, so this means the Covid-19 injections are decimating the immune systems of the fully vaccinated.” Tick tick tick… which just might explain the dramatic rise in labor disability numbers since the gene jab rollout perfectly illustrated on the FRED graph? Naw!
Immune system damage?! What Can Megyn Kelly’s Adverse Reaction Teach Us About Vaccine Safety? – Midwestern Doctor 9/23. Responding to X-Fox News Megan Kelly, “This wave of autoimmunity is causing an immense degree of suffering and appears to be inflicting profound damage on the entire economy due to the how many people are being forced into disability because of their new autoimmune disorders…” Forced out of the labor force and into unable to work, disability? Anybody getting angry yet? “Ed Dowd and his team has been attempting to quantify the economic impact of these injuries… Dowd’s (conservative) estimate was that 18% (26.6 million) of the American workers who received the vaccines were injured, 0.93% (1.36 million) were disabled, and 0.05-0.1% (300 thousand) died.”, ie, massive amounts of labor being forced into disability because the “safe and effective” covid vax fkd up their immune system’s making them unable to work, and all because vaccine makers are currently “indemnified” (off the hook) from damages their products do to humans and have been pathologically exploiting that moral hazard advantage for years!!! GRRRR! Like I’ve been saying since pre Q1 2023, “help wanted, PLEASE!” looks like’s going to be w us for a while. ALL the labor reports continue to support this trend.
Unexpected Deaths in The US Are Rising at an Alarming Rate: ScienceAlert 6/23. What’s interesting here is that no mention is made that the mRNA jabs are the suspected cause of the unexpected deaths, ie, just reporting on the data, m’am! You can connect the dots.
Starting to get that Red Pill urge? No? Here’s a few more hard data, irrefutable links.
Jaw-Dropping Discovery: CDC Data Reveals COVID Vaccine Could Shave Off 24 Years from Men’s Lives! – The Expose 9/23. Josh Sterling, The Cleveland Clinic and Australian health data. The life insurance companies, unless subsidized by our Administrative State, will be raising premiums accordingly, guaranteed! It’s that or go out of business due to the unacceptable risk and associated cost of insuring the covid jabbed. How’s that for a forecast?!
Poor quality control in vaccine manufacture?! NEVER!! Australian GP sues Pfizer and Moderna over unapproved GMOs in mRNA Covid vaccines, “Every single person who has been injected with these products has received a GMO that has not been through the expert regulatory process in this country,” says Ashby-Koppens. “The human genome could be changed permanently, and no one was informed.”, ie, no informed consent (your right to be told what the risks/side effects are), a violation of the Nuremberg Code! “There is forty years of established science in this area, where we must now unfortunately assume the DNA of Australians (and Americans, and EU, and Canadians, etc) receiving these drugs has been permanently altered and also that of their offspring… This is devastating and will have far-reaching adverse health consequences never before seen”. Exactly as the Puppet Masters planned? Many, including myself, suspect this is exactly what the globalist puppet masters had in mind all along as they rolled their Plandemic Trojan Horse, filled with all sorts of WEForum, Gates Foundation and CC Xi time released mischief onto the the Wuhan Wet Market Stage in early 2020…Lights! Cameras! Action!!… Depopulate??!!
The People’s Voice on X: “Pro-Vaxx Scientist Dr. Philip Buckhaults Testifies That mRNA Jabs Are Contaminated With DNA… Damning data!! Companion link below.
Another round of poor vaccine quality control, please! Top Toxicologist Dr Janci Lindsay Warns mRNA Jabs Are Laced With Cancer-Causing SV40 (also Dr Philip Buckhaults/Lab research – South Carolina Senate Committe) – The People’s Voice 9/23… “when Kevin McKernan first tested the vials, he found that one of the vials contained up to about 30 percent of the nucleic acid material was, in fact, DNA – so this is not some residual contamination that’s carrying over. This is significant contamination… Dr. Lindsay went on to say she believed there was a “nefarious intent” behind the SV40 sequences being loaded into the jabs, before going on to warn that the vaccines are “contaminated, dangerous, lethal products.” She warned, “there is something very unusual going on here that is being done differently than it’s ever been done before. We don’t give experimental products to pregnant women; we don’t give experimental products to babies that have a death profile like this. It’s not done; it’s never been done before.” “Nefarious intent”?! And all those absolutely unnecessary, preventable covid deaths followed up with the “Operation Warp Speed” mRNA “clot shots” resulting in several times more death and disabilities than covid ever did. Perhaps maybe someone you knew and loved, lost due to “nefarious intent”? Naw! Misinformation!!
Commenting on the covid vax induced disabilities, A Midwestern Doctor had this to say in early 2023, “Another concerning aspect of the vaccination program was who it affected. Typically the healthiest members of society are the least likely to die or experience disability. However, since the COVID-19 vaccines were pushed on America, the exact opposite has happened. The healthiest members of society (the employed that our economy depends upon) have suffered the greatest impact from the COVID-19 vaccines.” Unfortunately, those likely to be the healthiest may not necessarily be the wisest when it comes to evading the subtitles of Big Pharma’s “vaccination habituation” marketing schemes that starts from day one when a child is born. The Doc continues, “One commonly unrecognized complication of pharmaceutical injuries is the permanent disability that comes with it… I can thus only imagine what will happen once the public realizes where the workforce we depend upon has gone”. That mass realization is still at least year or two out, but, as more and more taxpayers and victims connect the dots, it’s coming, and I anticipate a time released hell to pay for those responsible, especially from those who have lost loved ones from covid and/or the covid vax. Hey Bill! How’s the swarms of angry, people proof bunker coming along?
And lastly, here’s one for all the critical thinkers out there who sensed something was wrong from the get go when the Wuhan hazmat FEAR optics, slithered out of the globalist trojan horse in earliest 2020, Vaccinated Passed Over for Promotion by Employers (Vindication! YES!! And they lived happliy ever after…) – Get Woke Up! 5/23, “What these people don’t understand is that the ‘Compliance Employee’ days are over. With the economy in a recession (oops!) companies want producers, people who make things happen through their own sheer will and determination”, said Jomar Richards/HR guy. “These people don’t just follow orders blindly and accept the status quo. They think, they research. They are therefore the ones more likely to make the sale, close the deal and stick it out with loyalty until the job is done.” Yes! Job demand for the critically thinking Unvaxd Control Group! We are also much less likely to have to go on vax related disability, which makes risk assessing health insurance co’s and in-house bean counting accountants real happy!
By now, I see some of you are not quite Red Pilled but are reconsidering getting up to date on your covid boosters. Good! And if it’s any conciliation to the covid vaxd, we of the The Un-vaxd Control Group appear to have been sorta vaxd after all. It seems vaccine “shedding”, though still medically not understood, appears to be a very real phenomenon which I have personal, since resolved, experience with! Being in close proximity to crowds of freshly mRNA vaxd shoppers as the flea markets reopened in 2021 may not have been such a good idea, despite wearing the required mask. Creating a “vaccine” that sheds and spreads a vaccine, or some other mysterious, weirdo ingredient… who are these diabolical, Franken-Fauci, mo fo’s behind the Covid Coup?

As to the increasing flood of data from many countries indicating that covid was actually a global health care coup attempt, with one of it’s main goals being to give a little boost to the de-population of the planet, the correlation with the release of the vax in late 2020 makes it pretty damn obvious to me (and oh so many others!) that the cause of the alarming increase in excess deaths and disabilities, to labor and the population at large, was the experimental covid, gene therapy jab administered to a panicked population of gullible guinea pigs, baked to fear sensitized, psy-op perfection. A little “boost” from the Covidian celebrity, shame blamers like Kiss my Ass Gene Simmons, and pinhead shock jock, Howard Stern, etc, certainly helped move the unquestioning sheep closer to what appears to be a premature early death. Hmmm, will the shame blame bullies take responsibility for leading their fans to slaughter? Unlikely. Narcissists don’t do guilt. My guess is that proud shame blamer Neil Young ain’t gonna be publicly playing “the needle and the damage done” anytime soon now that “the needle”, because of the failed Covid Coup, is now a symbol for the darkest, most sinister side of Big-Pharma, the CDC, the FDA, etc, and all the Main Street, middle class working folks who were hood winked by the puppet masters media hype. The overwhelming roar of the audience BOOING that song any time he attempts to sing it live would be music to my ears. Hey, it might be worth then price of admission just to start the booing!!
Hate to say it, but the trajectory of this story, which is never ever mentioned in mainstream media (yet), and shamefully, will never (?) be mentioned in academic economic labor publications, will continue for the next several years unless… unless Robert Kennedy Jr is elected president. He is the ONLY presidential candidate claiming he will revoke Big-Pharma’s ability to advertise their too often toxic, iatrogenic products on broadcast TV and radio media. No more “brought to you by Pfizer” might not only threaten our “censorship by omission”, mainstream media’s advertising revenue and hasten it’s demise, but also might be the blow that finally drives the last nail in Pfizer’s coffin. You have noticed their stock price has plummeted over the last year and a half, yes? What’s that?…
Whether you’re a vaccination true beliver or a vaccine manufacturer, sooner or later, “Ya live by the vax, ya’s (slowly) die by the vax. Just sayin” Dismal Dave
Don’t forget yer Booster!
Dismal Dave Lancon © March 2024. Updated April 2024. All Rights Reserved.
PS. I don’t do social media, but if you’ve enjoyed and/or learned sumthin from this post, please share it w ALL your social media buddies. Greatly appreciated!
2 thoughts on “Tipping Point Ahead? – Excess Mortality due to Covid Vaccine Slowly Disables US Labor Market! – Pt. 3 The 2024, Q1/Q2 Flea Market Forecast”
YEP!!!! Fabulous analogy and right on target truth! My only hold-out is the “population control” angle. Although such a concept (and probable agenda) has been in the workings of “what if” for decades – Remember Fritz Lang’s Doctor Mabuse? – I’m not sure that there’s enough evidence yet to hold water, but as you stated HOLD ON, FOLKS TIGHTLY!!!! This ride has just begun. Somehow I knew it all along – as soon as I read the 9-11 Truth Test. It’s all connected and eventually won’t be deniable. The 21st debacle (century? Hmm, doubtful) is NOTHING like the 20th. When will someone invent that time machine and open DA BLACK HOLE??? How much labor intensive do we need for that?
Oh what FUN! Us free radicals (no not “liberals” per se) have been frustrated too long by the suits and sometimes ties saying our dream of freedom for everyone has passed and gone down in flames but is there still hope that SOMEBODY will listen and realize that counter culture is/was all about thinking different . . . if it can be called thinking at tall. As Andre Breton quipped, “Toujours por le premiere fois.” (“Always for the first time.)