Vaxidents Happen? They Shouldn’t!! Alexis Lorenze, A Graphic Reason to Stop Vaccination Habituation NOW!
Alexis Lorenze, a 23 years old Floridian, had her whole life ahead of her, but, due to her recent extremely adverse reaction to the tetanus, meningitis and pneumonia vaccines administered to her all at once, that future she hoped for may have been unexpectedly sideswiped.

“Within 10 minutes of the 3 vaccines, which were given all at the same time, Alexis went temporarily blind in both eyes, had a locked jaw, began vomiting and then things went horribly downhill from there”, wrote Steve Kirsch when he and Celia Farber broke the story on Tuesday. (You can hear it directly from bed ridden Alexis here. Warning – Graphic!!) Mind you, all three of these “safe and effective” vaccines given to her by a hematologist at the UCI Medical Center do not have the alarming adverse events VAERS profile that the now proven “unsafe and horribly defective” covid mRNA vaccines have! Boy has institutional pharma fkd up! Which begs the question; why three jabs in one sitting instead of being given individually, at least one day apart, so as to allow the body to acclimate to each vaccine? Where are all the “real science” doctors looking into this dubious practice?! Why isn’t the mainstream media covering this? Why aren’t vax happy Amy Goodman/Democracy Now and Thom Hartmann coming to UCI Medical Center’s defense? Why hasn’t UCI Medical Center, now several days after the event, issued it’s OAF-icial statement?
Ms. Lorenze’s experience makes the case that it’s not just the experimental mRNA covid vaccines that are toxic to humans, ALL vaccines are highly suspect and should be avoided until the required saline placebo safety testing, that has never ever been done on ANY of these God Damned vaccines, is finally done!!

Every person on the planet should have the sovereign right to say “Vax? No thanks”, and have that sovereign, human right honored and respected. Those vax happy bullies, whether doctors, pharma funded celebrities, biased indi/mainstream media or ‘selective” (mad) scientists willing to challenge and deny that right… like “Dr” Peter Hotez, should be given a choice to either be Abu Ghraib prison tortured or to experience, via injection of a known tainted vaccine like the “safe” anthrax vax given to our US soldiers, the physical and mental pain, suffering and anguish that these “safe and effective” vaccines often induce, often for several months to several years, or in worst case scenarios, the rest of that vaxed person’s life!! (hmmm, Hotez’s autistic daughter?! Deep subconscious vax guilt necessitates denial?)
This demonic legacy of vaccine side effects has gone on waaaay too long. Big pharma’s Vaccination Habituation agenda is out of control. The Covid Coup, for the most part appears to have failed. The fascist (gov + business = fascist collusion) Medical/Military Industrial Complex is truly the biggest menace, the biggest security risk, to American and global society this side of Bush/Cheney, Trump, Harris, Bill Gates, Bill/Hillary, Franken-Fauci and NutnYahoo all rolled into one Magic Vax syringe.
Besides my hope and prayer that she fully recovers from this injury, my co-hope is that Alexis Lorenze’s nasty vax experience turns into the high profile case (and lawsuit!!) that, after three plus years of Big-Pharma, CDC, FDA, Medical Industrial and State Medical Boards gaslighting and bullying, breaks through pharma’s “Ideological Bullshit”; the Vax Happy media make believe (thanks Tony!) that vaccines are safe and effective when the reality, as Alexis and Maddie de Garay and countless others whose vaccine altered lives have proven, is that they are far far far from it. This unfortunate event is also a wonderful opportunity to shove some “Ideological Bullshit” back in Fauci’s face. Poop Pie for the good doctor!
Enough iatrogenic, life altering/destroying vaccines! Let’s finally demand the way overdue saline placebo vaccine safety studies that have NEVER EVER been done, and let the likely results crush pharma’s non-stop Vaccination Habitation agenda once and for all before the complicit mad doctors, insurance companies and hospitals, under the cover of 1986 vaccine indemnification, kill and/or disable us all! The right to say “Vax? No thanks!” should be every person/patient’s sovereign right, Period! That’s all we, the Right to Choose/Un-Vaxed, have been asking for all long. Now these goddamned, indemnified, bully demons are doing everything they can in their desperate attempt to make sure We the Sovereign People, don’t have that right! Pardon my Fauci but, “Bulllllll Shit!!”
And maybe revoking Big-Pharma’s current “invisible shield” super power protection is in overdue order here as well; pharma’s ability to exploit it’s indemnified, “can’t be legally held accountable”, moral hazard exception for it’s “needle and the damage done” caused by their unsafe and defective vaccines… the economic “externalities” that we the flea market friendly taxpayers ultimately wind up paying for. Just a thought.
Unless you have a damn good lawyer, vaccine injuries are currently not covered by health plans. Donations for Alexis’s medical care can be made at Save Alexis.
Be The DIY Media! Spread the word! Slow the uptake!!
For those of you who wish to Be The DIY Media, spread the word, slow the uptake and maybe even save some lives while the bad vax iron is hot… here’s two printable signage sticker suggestions with instructions. This be one seemingly small, but subtly effective step to avoid becoming a population of trans-human pin cushions for big-pharma. Have at it.

Use the verticle page printing layout for the Alexis version, use the horizontal print layout for the one below.

Materials needed – 8 1/2” x 11” full sheet label paper (available at 99 cent stores, Office Depot etc..), scissors or a paper cutter, and a printer connected to your computer. Got it all? Good.
Instructions – Turn on your printer. Now use your computer cursor to grab and drag the 3/page template/image above on to your computer desktop. Using an Apple Mac? Good. Double click that image when you have it on your desktop to open in TextEdit. Click “file” in the TextEdit toolbar at the top of screen, the select “print” at the bottom of the drop down menu. This opens the printer window. Go to “orientation” and select “landscape”. The “scale” setting defaults to 100% which is likely too small. Keep changing the scale setting (200%, 300%, 330%!) until the text, side to side and top to bottom, is almost to the edges. Got it? Now click “print”. Bingo! Now take the printed sheet and cut into three bumper stickers and start sticking! EZ! Put on your daily driver rear window or bumper, your kid’s daypack, hand em out at yer local farmer’s market or… take a field trip to your local State Medical Board’s head quarters parking lot and… distribute.
Advanced/Rain Resistance for vehicle window
Materials – 3” clear tape (99 cent store), scissors, razor blade.
Apply the BS about a 1/2” above the bottom of the window. Pull/cut a length of 3” tape till it is at least a couple inches longer than BS. Holding the tape about an inch from the window, center the tape holding it as flat as possible and apply the tape to the window/BS, starting at the bottom, a 1/2” below the BS. Take a second length of tape, just like the first, and place it with the bottom of tape overlapping the top of the bottomt tape by at least a 1/2”. Almost done! Trim the sides w the razor blade a 1/2” from the BS on each side. Be careful not to scratch the window!
Got it? Good! Let’s put a few more nails in the vax makers coffin and get the momentum to repeal vaccination indemnification going before Big Pharma kills us all!
Dismal Dave Lancon © September 19, 2024. All Rights Reserved.
PS. I don’t do social media, but if you’ve enjoyed and/or learned sumthin from this post, please share it w ALL your social media buddies. Greatly appreciated! See ya at the Fleas!