Part 2 – The Great Solar Reset punks the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset!? – Our Sun’s every 12,000 year, cyclical Micro-Nuclear Nova?!!
Got yer survival skills up to speed and yer bug out bag handy? Got that secret underground bunker you been building for the last two years stocked with a year’s supply of fine wine, DVD’s and gourmet potato chips? Yum! I’ll be right over. You don’t mind if I bring along a few malnourished and damn near dead buddies, do ya? Much obliged…
Back in the 1980’s when the possibility of an if/when planetary pole shift would happen in our lifetime, it was cause for great speculation and fantastic prophecies on just what a sudden or gradual shift of our earth’s magnetic poles would look like. Would it be the slow realignment of a new north/south rotational axis taking several years… or would it be a “Holy Shit Ma!! A tectonic plate just busted through the floor and a three hundred foot wave just swallered Ben Cartwright’s Ponderosa Ranch!!”
“Earth’s magnetic field is weakening and it’s poles are shifting as the modern Geomagnetic Excursion unfolds right on time…” states cosmologist Ben Davidson in the video, “The Sun – Destroyer of Climate Science Fraud”. He continues, over “the last 400 years … during that time the earth’s magnetic shield (protecting our earth) against that energy has been dropping. There’s not one single paper in existence (as of July 2022) blaming humans for global warming which accounts for solar particles, cosmic rays, the interplanetary magnetic field and earth’s weakening magnetic field in the modern pole shift”. In his deeply researched, “The Earth Disaster Documentary”, he estimates that our atmospheric protection “is down 20% in magnetic field strength and decreasing”. It gets better…
The just released, “Origin of Earth’s Magnetic Field, its Nature and Behavior, Geophysical Consequences, and Danger to Humanity: A Logical Progression of Discoveries Review” (12/22) by long time earth, sun and cosmos researcher, J. Marvin Herndon, has this to say… “The geomagnetic field serves as a deflector that shields humanity from the onslaught of the solar wind. Loss of that shielding will potentially have devastating consequences for our highly integrated, technology-based infrastructure.” Could this very real threat to our electric grid, and the electricity each and every one of us takes for granted, be the achilles heal the freaks at the WEF and their intell affiliates would prefer the general population didn’t know about… at least until they have all us “useless eaters” solidly under their One World Government, “Great Reset”, indoctrination camp control?
Hate to take the global warming wind outta Greta Thunberg’s COPx sails but…
Now, add this high probability of “devastating consequences” and “an extreme space weather event, or solar superstorm” to our power grids and to earth’s climate and it’s day to day weather. What do you think would have more “climate change” impact on our planet, the slow, steady increase of carbon and methane etc into our atmosphere or a faster decrease in earth’s magnetic field protection from solar and cosmic radiation? Hmmm. Would a continuing decrease in atmospheric protection create more weather instability than we are currently experiencing at our current 20% decrease? I believe that goes without saying. And then there’s the climate modeling, which, unfortunately, may not be much better than Faulty Ferguson’s initial “deadly disease” corona virus modeling. Bad models, bad algorithms, give “garbage in, garbage out” results that are often not discovered until it’s too late! As to climate, Davidson says, “The models share similar errors that even spill over into unexpected areas of the simulations, indicative of a systemic problem in the modeling of our climate, which, I will add. has been noted in other papers before in the arena of lacking proper input of the global electric circuit; thermosphere, ionosphere, atmosphere; coupling during space weather impact, etc. Many of the data producers needed to understand that they are still quite new and their integration into modern climate models is infant to nonexistent.” Infant to non-existent!? Ya don’t say?
What we are calling Climate Change and Global Warming might actually have much more to do with the earth’s increasing exposure to solar energies and cosmic energies than the increasing amounts of CO2 and methane we polluting humans regularly release into our atmosphere. Frontiers warns, “It is very important to identify the realistic worst case, along with the probability of them happening, and the potential impacts assessed.” One would have to be incredibly naive to assume that the constant fluctuations of the sun’s energies have little to no effect on the earth’s weather. The effects and severity may eventually be several orders of magnitude greater (each magnitude = 10X increase). Heh heh heh, but it seems that, once again, our corporate legacy media and intell agencies would prefer that you get your climate change cues from Greta. Her intentions seem sincere, despite her Public Relations handlers, but is she and her fellow UN advocates aware of the energetic interplay between the Sun and the Earth and it’s impact on our climate and that it might just be a wee bit more influential than the pollution we all add on a daily basis?
Understand, I’m not a Pollution (?!!) Change denier, having joined the Sierra Club in the 1980’s due to Reagan’s appointment of the Federal Land grabber James Watt as Secretary of the Interior. That “takings” punk pissed me off! However, I prefer referring to the hazardous effects on our health and on our planet as Pollution Change, rather than the less incriminating to polluters and just a tad more friendly to those not wishing to take responsibility for their/our polluting lifestyle, “Climate Change”. We are ALL Complicit in the production of these economic “externalities”, yes? Now it seems our days of passing the buck may be coming to an end.
Unknown to most, and until recently, myself included, there is a growing amount of evidence based on everything from earth’s geological data, indigenous and Biblical lore to the latest information coming to us from solar telescopes, satellites and celestial sensory devices that appear to be fueling a theory that it is not only far off distant stars that periodically “go nova” with great orgasmic bursts of energy, but also our nearest star… our humble Sun. And in Earth’s case, the new (?) theory that our sun experiences a “micro nova” every twelve thousand years, just like cataclysmic clock work, and that this massive solar energy burst might just be the catalyst for our planet’s periodic magnetic pole shift and slow/sudden tipping of the earth, is most compelling.
The slow but increasingly faster migration of earth’s magnetic poles (“geo-magnetic excursion”) has been reported periodically in the mainstream press and NASA etc for at least the last twenty, thirty-ish years. Over that same period of time, as I wondered about the speed of a complete pole shift, I gave up on the idea that this would be a fast, sudden, dramatic event, as prophesied in the 1980’s, due to the almost unimaginable amount of energy necessary to make such an event possible, thinking instead, that a pole shift would be a slow disruptive event, maybe taking a year or three to complete. Opps. And then along comes Davidson and his Space Weather Observers, who posts semi-weekly YouTube updates on solar and galactic happenings and up to the minute scientific research, like Herdon’s most recent publication with it’s singular mention of “thermonuclear ignition of the sun”, which, uh, sounds like “gone nova” to me. Davidson’s magnum opus, the above mentioned “The Earth Disaster Documentary” (1/22), really got my attention. His more recent comment comparing the electro-magnetic interaction between the sun and the earth to an armature in an electric motor, blew my mind. Ya see, as a carpenter/contractor, I spend a lot of time with variable speed power tools.
“Get your motor runnin / head on down the space way”
On an electric drill motor, the more pressure applied to the trigger, the faster it spins due to the increase in voltage to the drill’s armature. Now, if we take this same armature analogy and apply it to the sun’s radiated “solar wind”, the electro magnetic energy being the voltage and the earth and it’s upper magnetosphere as the armature, any weakening in earth’s magnetosphere would allow more “energy into the system” and have a similar effect of increasing the voltage to the armature… earth, thereby making it spin faster, “not unlike an electric motor”, suggests Davidson. And what do you know, apparently since 2017 earth’s rotation has been spinning ever so slightly faster, recorded in atomic micro-seconds, possibly due to the increase in solar energy reaching the earth due to a weakening magnetic field. Yeah, so? Well here’s where it gets really interesting…
“The time of the next partial or full collapse of the geomagnetic field is unknown, however, recent dip pole movements and decreasing geomagnetic intensity suggest that it might be sooner rather than later” , writes Herndon in his recent “Danger to Humanity” study. Davidson’s estimation leans toward 2030 through 2046 as the window where the full pole shift possibility is most likely to happen, as you can see from the graph above.
It goes without saying that our nuclear reactor (?!) earth and our nuclear reactor sun have an electro-magnetic relationship. Any hissy fits from sunspots or the sun spewing coronal mass ejections (CME”S) that send bursts of solar radiation and magnetic energy zooming through space and directly towards earth can have mild effects, or catastrophic effects depending on the intensity. Principa Scientific warns, “We now have more than the climate, radiation, food-chain disruption and solar-geomagnetic biology connections to consider in this upcoming event- we are at risk of losing our modern, electrified society.” The 1859 Carrington Event that effectively knocked out much of the new fangled telegraph system in the pre-electrified United States is one of the more infamous examples. Now, imagine what would happen if a CME or massive solar flare with the same intensity as Carrington’s hit our highly vulnerable, digitally electrified planet now… Electro-FRIED comes to mind.
Normally, our earth’s magnetosphere and lower atmospheres give us a great degree of protection from too much solar and cosmic radiation reaching us. But what happens when our protective magnetic field not only weakens, as it is measurably doing now (the 20% Davidson mentioned above), and the sun’s solar energy output increases by not one, not two, but by several orders of magnitude as it would during our sun, a star, having a micro-nova event? Could this be the trigger for the completion of the geo magnetic excursion, ie, the occasionally occurring pole shift? Would the massive energy generated by that micro-nova burst be enough to effect the earth’s spin by making it spin violently faster, just as a sudden pull on the trigger of a drill motor makes the armature suddenly spin faster? (hmmm, our earth, a celestial armature!) Will we humans experience a gravity effect just like a fast spinning carnival ride that pulls you to the floor? What will the effects on our bodies be? How long will they last? What effects on earth’s surface fluids, like the oceans and lakes, and earth’s subterranean molten metal fluids and underground water reservoirs? What effect on earth’s crusty tectonic plates, a riddle that puzzled the one and only Einstein? What effect on birds, insects and animals, especially those dependent on the stability of earth’s magnetic field for navigation? Some of us, like it or not, might just have a front row seat for The Great Solar Reset.
Perhaps the sun’s sudden nova blast of thermonuclear energy might only “jerk” the earth’s spin, momentarily knocking it off it’s current axis, maybe even momentarily stopping it, as some indigenous and biblical stories suggest, just before it readjusts, as a Japanese study suggests, and settles into a previously favored (by 20 – 90 degrees?) north south axis for the next several thousand years as the completion of a magnetic pole shift, and all the disruptive tectonic earth and ocean movement that goes along with it, slowly stops shaking and wobbling and fades into glacially moving geologic memory with nary a living human available to document the proceedings.
“It is likely that a geomagnetic field collapse would cause much hardship and suffering, and potentially reverse more than two centuries of technological infrastructure development”, says Herndon. Well, hate to say it, but it seems to me… there goes the friggin World Economic Forum’s electrical grid dependent Great Reset and one world government social engineering and genocidal de-population aspirations! YES! Klauwn Schwab, Bill Gates and CC Xi all punked by our Sun and it’s once every twelve thousand year Great Solar Reset! Perfect Cosmic Timing!! Celestial natural analog decimates synthesized digital and the pathological, trans-humanist power freaks forcing The Great Reset!!
Opps. Not so fast…
That’s assuming the unfolding earth and solar chain of events beats the WEFreaks and it’s intell enablers to the punch. It ain’t over till it’s over, but I’m optimistic. Sorta. Regardless, it seems very likely that the WEF’s Great Reset, if it recovers from it’s most recent failed Covid Coup attempt, will go the way of RTX, replacing Bankman-Fried with Solar Electro-Fried. Alas, Davos Man and all the globalist parasites at The World Economic Forum who have been trying so hard and for so long to force their Great Reset Trojan Horse, one world agenda on all sovereign nations, come hell or high water, gone, gone… and good… fkng… riddance. What’s Klauwn Schwab and his Davos crew to do? A suggestion, cuddle up to the nearest homeless person and plead desperately for help on how to street/outdoors survive cuz it’s looking highly likely they’re gonna need it. Hmmm, we all might need to?!
What seems to be a (their?!) conspiracy to de-populate the entire planet using a Trojan Horse pandemic for cover and a threat that “everyone has to get vaccinated” as a Bill Gates pretext, may have had much to do with their desire to stay ahead of the inevitable Solar Reset their intell and military people have been warning them about for at least the last forty years. Ya see, less people scrambling for scarcer and scarcer resources like food, water and toilet paper as things begin to heat up (or cool down), all in various stages of cool, calm survival mode to “OMG!! We’re ALL GONNA DIE!!” panicked shock mode… survival can be/is much easier to manage when there are less people to manage, especially when those people are scared, desperate and dangerous, and resources even scarcer. In that scenario, de-population makes perfect pathological sense. My guess is Bill Gates and Klauwn Schwab would agree. Item #1 on the now anonymously destroyed Georgia Guidestones was suggesting earth’s ideal population be what it was at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, approximately 90% of our current population. Oh yeah, the mysterious destroyers of the Guidestones are still at large.
… and without the World Economic Forum, they lived happily ever after!
As for the rest of us Flea Marketeers doing our best to manage the 24/7 chaos these pathological freak elites have created, Davidson, in his 12/22 “Disaster Timeline”, anticipates, “before pole shift, most people on this planet won’t be alive to see the micro-nova and pole shift. Without power, the vast majority of the people on this planet are going to be gone”. What?! Gone??!! “We don’t get to see our Sun burst into Micro-Nova Orgasmic Ecstasy?! But I just paid ten zillion crapto’s to Elon for a front row seat on the Wilhelm Reich (s)Express…”
Sorry baby. Seems like, whether you are Davos Man inclined or Homeless Man destitute, or most likely somewhere in-between, due to an unavoidable consequence of our sentient being inter-related, inter-dependent wiring, like it or not, we are “all in this together”, after all. Go it alone, John Wayne macho… well, if you insist, pilgrim. Personally, I prefer a nice, tight team. Corp of Discovery anyone?

If our global electrical grid goes down long before the pole shift and/or micro-nova event due to continuous, repeated, intense solar activity concurrently with the continued weakening of our protective atmospheres, electricity may not be an option for months, maybe even years. But chances are, in that non-electric situation your priorities will be food, shelter and water, and not your now useless, digital social network. Same as it ever was when bartering and open air markets (pre vintage Flea Markets) were how pre Big-Finance, Adam Smith “economics” was conducted. How are your haggling skills coming along? In a power’s out scenario, it will be Homeless Man, well accustomed to living rough out on the street in all sorts of weather and foraging conditions who will have the survival advantage over soft, spoiled, comfortably living Davos Man and his corporate, white collared kindreds. Homeless Man, with his/her soon to be in high demand survival skills advantage, will also have the power advantage over unprepared Davos Man. Will he exploit it, as the Davos Man mindset would be inclined to do?
“Can I help you get a fire started? Sure, but it’ll cost you $300 in cash and all yer AAA batteries and… I need you to sign this non-disclosure agreement… a formality, you understand… ”, says Homeless Man to now destitute and desperate Davos Man.
Inter-dependant, inter-dependance; the recognition of just how much we all depend on each other just to get by; how much we ultimately all depend on each other to survive; how much we all depend on each others talents, each other’s skill sets, whether we recognize it or not… it all comes down to Cooperation. That’s what may save the few of us who make it to witnessing our sun going nova (if), and then proceeding on to “next”. And, who knows, maybe kindly asking our fellow celestial sentient being, the one that generously radiates life energy to our planet, the Sun, to pretty please go a little easy on the micro-nova. Wouldn’t hurt. And it might just return us to our pre-religion, nature revering way of being that we abandoned before Fauci’s “I am science”-ism became our false, truth and debate censoring god.
So, do all the prepping ya want, but at the end of the day when the handful of team playing, (School of?!) self-reliant, post apocalyptic survivors who have mastered the art of making fire in less than a minute using nothing but wooden sticks eventually find each other and tell their stories around a wood burning campfire at the mouth of a large cavern… or long deserted skyscraper lobby,… it’s going to be stories of just plain old dumb luck, ingenuity and faith… and the right survival skills at the right time, that saved their butts from certain disaster. Yeah, and a little help from our fellow human, animal and disembodied buddies, too.
Look! Grasshoppers!! Yum!!! Huh, “Compliments of Klauwn Schwab and The World Ego-Nomic Forum” ??!!
PS. I don’t do social media, but if you’ve enjoyed and learned sumthin from this post, please to share it w ALL your social media buddies. Greatly appreciated. Also, watching Space Weather News “Earth Disaster Documentary” is highly advised. Pause and take notes often.
Dismal Dave Lancon © January 2023, Revised May 2023. All Rights Reserved. “Nuclear Orgasm Sun” and “Matches?” comic ©. Much “Thanks!” to Colorado Tamura for putting Space Weather News on my radar! The Geo magnetic graph and close up of Sun is from SW News
2 thoughts on “Part 2 – The Great Solar Reset punks the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset!? – Our Sun’s every 12,000 year, cyclical Micro-Nuclear Nova?!! ”
I’m just glad you’re not my psychic palm reader. In this age of overkill of pessimism, how do we prepare for the MAXIMUM ENTROPY that is already here? I’m just thankful that I had a bountiful life and if a highly overdone and ghastly GRANDE FINALE is about to go curtain up, I’ll try to go with the flow and ENJOY it.
I got good info from your blog