The Q4 24/Q1 2025 Flea Market Economist Forecast – Pt 1: Trump? Harris? The Devil You Know or The Devil You Don’t Know?! Post Election Drama, Guaranteed!!
Trump won?! Well that was fast! Drama postponed? I was all preppered out for two months of rootin tootin civil war. Anybody need some canned sardines? I guess Hillary Harris getting Biggest Dick Cheney’s neo-con endorsement wasn’t such a good idea after all. Opps!
Yes indeed, as me and many many of my fellow flea marketeers suspected at the beginning of 2024, high drama by election time! Coulda been worse. Kid Crooks missed. Civil War delayed. Please to note that many/most of the full blown doom and gloom social and econo forecasts of a market crash and civil unrest certainty have not come to pass. Yet. Despite that, the expectation of impending disaster seems to be on many peoples minds thanks to our cultivated vulnerability to the fear porn the corporate/state media brings us daily. As noted by many psychological studies, we silly humans seem to gravitate to bad news – which fear porn media loves to exploit! – often expecting the worst, only to see the the sun rise the next day while the boogieman in our brain still slumbers having fallen to the wayside until… BOO!… the next media generated, FEAR tottin’ boogieman comes along. Gotta admit, that demon boogie dude sure busts his ass!
As of now, I do not see my fellow flea market vendors and customers running for cover as much of the uni-party left/right/progressive media is strongly encouraging us to do. The PCC Flea, two days before the election, without exception, every shopper I asked about the election were either exhausted and disgusted by the 24/7 media fear blitz or had chosen to disengage from media altogether.
As to the question, “are you doing better now under Biden/Harris than under a Trump administration?”… small business owners/self employed’s here in So Cal tend to say the Trump admin was better tax wise, until the Covid Coup/Fauci Gates Plandemic rolled out the last year of the Trump admin and fkd Main Street while the wealthy prospered and those sick with covid were denied access to potentially life saving, repurposed pharma as the Covid Coup fear monger media began it’s Magic Vax campaign. The communal experience among flea market shoppers and the general public… fear driven, “deadly disease” uncertainty during 2020 Covid/Trump due to the Fauci/CDC/Media collaboration to initiate unnecessary lockdowns, followed by the slow financial and emotional recovery that was almost derailed by vaccine mandate happy Biden, only to now be re-plagued by the Biden/Harris/Federal Reserve Quantative Eased inflation everywhere you look! It seems Main Street everywhere USA, needs a friggin break.
In my experience at the Flea Market frontlines dealing with the disposable income demographic, I have not seen any difference in consumer spending/sentiment between the Trump or Biden administrations despite either’s claim to the contrary. Shoppers are still using their discretionary income and buying my soul satisfying, curated, weird-o items at approximately the same seasonal, monthly sales rate. Vinyl record sales (Akashic Records and Weirdness) have definitely slowed in terms of quantity during the Biden/Harris admin, but the spending on higher quality and higher priced LP’s has increased for me and for many of my fellow “fussy eater” record dealers. Being hyper sensitive to fickle consumer trends is essential, something those new to exploiting the continuing “records are hot” hype have yet to learn. Yes, the disposable income demographic that we flea marketeers depend on seems to be more hesitant these days about spending money as we approached the election – as expected – and well before the usual pre-XMAS holiday money crunch sets in. But, in times of economic/social uncertainty, as we are currently in, that goes with the uncharted territory.
Social/Consumer Sentiment here in So Cal is reserved but still seems to be on the slightly buoyant side despite the high level of election anxiety. Perhaps this is an ongoing side effect of the 4%-5% interest rate (now renewable at 3.5%) on CD’s, the Wealth Effect I mentioned in my March FME forecast. Encouragingly, the awareness that the admin/intell state does not have the best interests of even harder working Main Street Americans in mind is becoming more and more obvious to We the People as the WEForum/WHO/UN/CCP lick their wounds following the failures of their premeditated Covid Coup and it’s “You Will Own Nothing and Yuval Be Happy” attempts to reinstitute “rent seeking” Feudalism at a global scale. Trump’s victory ain’t sitting well with these folks. The cognitive dissonance is clearing. America’s freedom’s are being threatened from within and from without like never before. And now with nifty, new and improved, Arty Intell, this attempt at reconstituting global feudalism is gonna get really YieldStar (corporate landlord conspiracy, Busted!!) algorithmically interesting! You have read Yanis Varoufakis’s book “Techno-Feudalism”, yes?
The Devils on the Presidential Stage countdown… 4,3,2,1… Blow-up or blast-off? Trust in Trumpty Dumpty? Trust in Hillary Harris? Trust in our government and it’s elected OAF-icials, trust in bloated bureaucratic institutions, trust in multi-national corps is at an all time low as the levels of corruption and (Covid, etc) conspiracy continues to be exposed while more and more troves of classified, in-house emails (Twitter Files, Pfizer Vax Safety Studies, UK/CCDH-US media censorship, etc) see the light of day and expose the collusion, thanks to the efforts of the truth exposing whistle blowers and investigative journalists outside of the corporate press. Substack continues to Rock as independent and mainstream “Trusted News” media takes it’s last breaths! The People have spoken. The exposure of the 24/7 tactical blunders made by the admin/intell state that have revealed the ongoing social engineering psy-op has done more to “red pill” wake up those hesitant to believe the depth of the corruption in our nation and in the world at large than the 9/11 triple towers collapse and the Iraq War ever could. The Powers That Shouldn’t Be have done a magnificent job of FKing up! Thank You! I find their underestimation of uppity, critically thinking Americans extremely encouraging.
The DNCommittee Fks Kennedy Jr! Trump Fks the DNC?! Stay Tuned!!
Alas, first Bernie Sanders, now Robert Kennedy Jr, the latest victims of the DNC’s vicious, “by any and all means necessary”, blatant election rigging via skillful, demonic use of questionable law fare and a financially desperate mainstream media in lock step collusion with Section 230 indemnified (as of now) social media, happy to spread lies and character defamation at the DNC’s command while the Amy /Thom/Pacifica Indi media looks elsewhere. And, uh, you mean to tell me these DNC’s actions don’t qualify as the Federal Crime of blatant election tampering?! Would a little overdue lawsuit “discovery” help us flea marketeers understand where voter influencing ends and illegal election tampering begins? There’s “so much more” to election tempering than internal mischief inside voting machines and mail-in ballots.
The effects and direction of America’s economic policies, whether Trump or Harris, obviously won’t be known until the economic data and citizen sentiment surveys start coming in several months into 2025. Will Trump’s focus on massive tariff increases to fund the government be enough to fill the vacuum created by his proposal to eliminate income tax? Will Harris’s sworn allegiance to Main Street working folks, and the proposed social spending that goes along with those promises, be enough to get Main Street back on it’s feet, or will it have a more beneficial effect on Wall Street, esp if her proposals include yet another round of Quantitative, Magic Money Easing, leading to another round of “the money’s gotta go somewhere”, consumer/single family home inflation? Of course, everyone seems to forget that Congress Congress Congress has more influence on what does and does not happen in ANY administration.
And speaking of QE beneficiaries, it seems Blackrock’s Larry Fink has been advising Trump in all things financial for quite a while and is now lurking on the presidential exploitation sidelines, eagerly waiting to advise whomever becomes our next president, assuming they make it through the inauguration. Money is truly non-partisan. Meantime, Trump supporters appear to be Wall Street clueless as to Trump’s WS connectivity. Their willful ignorance as to Trump’s allegiance to making money at any and everyone’s expense is just as amazing as it is alarming! The big question amongst the former Kennedy supporters, many of whom are now grudgingly supporting Trump… will he keep his promise (?) to appoint RFK Jr to head/oversee the overhaul of America’s stinky, smelly, “brought to you by Pfizer”, corrupt health care system? I suspect, Woe to Trump if he betrays the MAHA momentum. Betrayal typically has a bad outcome. Fingers crossed.
Until the smoke clears from the current existential election conundrum (EEC – post Kennedy campaign suspension WTF?!) and the uncertainties in the post election aftermath, all bets concerning the economy and social stability, are kinda/sorta off until the post election smoke starts to clear. It goes without saying Trump and Harris are at opposite ends of the social/political spectrum as are their fiscal and social policies. Both have some strengths, both have appalling weaknesses, like, credibility. “Beyonce will perform at Harris Texas Rally!”. Opps. Speaking is not “performing”. A minor, unintentional faux pas? No matter, it makes for bad optics at a time when demonstrating solid integrity to those voters still on the fence is essential.
As for Trump’s, “Biden’s economy worse than The Great Depression!”. Hoo-Haw!! Sorry Trump, GD had 20, 30% unemployed at it’s height, Biden admin has 4% at admin’s end. Why don’t the MAGA’s call him out on this obvious distortion of US and current history? Makes the MAGA’s look as dumb as my X-fellow progressives who were more than happy to embrace the “thou shal vaccinate or be damned”, Covid Con. Both Trump and Harris seem to be guilty of “lying sack of shit!” disease, the only disease no one seems to be interested in creating a “safe and effective” vaccine for! Hmmm, mandate the “LSOS” vax for all elected OAF-icials as they are sworn in?
I honestly can’t say who I trust least and it seems I’m not alone here. The devil ya know or the devil ya don’t. Yikes! That being said, my gut tells me much of the anticipated post election/post inauguration civil unrest is about to go toe to toe with what truly makes America great (besides a vibrant Main Street and vintage Flea Markets!)… the multitude of level headed Americans scattered all over, in every nook and cranny of the USA, who may be forced to don the “Designated Asshole”, party pooper mindset (ie, “someone’s gotta be the grown-up/bad dad around here, damnit!!”) and maintain a degree of law and order in their communities, especially in the South and inner big cities, should the “civil war” inciting globalist media, and elected OAF-ficials like rabid Jamie Raskin, rouse enough of the emotionally unstable on both sides of the political aisle to make things “interesting”. Head’s up, kids, for intell trained, flame fanning agent provocateurs coming to (already embedded in?!) a town near you!
Fortunately, despite the unrelenting campaign by the divisive powers that be to push our emo buttons and incite divisive hostility within us, many see this for what it is and are not taking the DNC or the globalist media’s hate bait. Critical, sober thinking and debate has been foundational to America’s greatness! Whether or not the adults in the room prevail, I remain hopeful that We the Level Headed amongst us can rise above the current drama and restore a sportsman like civility (remember that?!) to our nation. The big question is, will America, will We the People rise to the challenge… or will we allow the powers that should’t be to continue their efforts to force us into indentured, “we the peons”, feudalist servitude, always fighting amongst ourselves while they exploit our emotional immaturity? Wake Up! Rise Up, America! Let’s show the WEF, Davos Man globalist punks and their CC-Xi enablers, WE Americans have a spirit they can NEVER conquer! Heh heh heh… and let’s let their envy slowly poison them from within.
And if anything does implode, it’s my hope that the only casualty is the willfully corrupt, psychopathic DNC responsible for removing both Bernie and Kennedy from America’s election choices, leaving We the People, and especially those of us supporting Kennedy Jr, in our current existential election conundrum. GRRRR! Trump might just be the antidote to their wicked overreach! We all know Hillary Harris ain’t!
Labor Forecast – Woo Hoo! Labor continues to enjoy a gallows silver lining due to Trump’s Warp Speed Promo and Biden/Harris’s Magic Vax Mandates! Covid jab side effects, anyone?! Apologies NOT included!
As of yet, I don’t recall Biden, Harris or Trump admitting their little experiment in communist style authoritarian, plandemic protocols were a horrible mistake not only to society at large, but especially to small businesses and labor. Lockdowns. Vaccine mandates. Blaming/shaming/bullying the un-vaxd employees for standing their ground, for their “Ideological Bullshit” (Fauci). Have you noticed neither has had anything to say about their respective handling of the of the covid crisis during their campaigning? Why no questions during mainstream media interviews or the debates concerning their respective failures in covid management, one of the biggest events of the 21st century? WTF?! Could “Brought to you by Pfizer” have anything to do with it? Trump taking lockdown cues from the Commie Chinese and Dr. Franken-Fauci for “deadly disease” protocols wound up being a huge, LETHAL mistake, despite indi media’s Democracy Now, Thom Hartmann and corporate mainstream media’s scared shitless approval, only to be followed up with the even more egregious Biden/Harris Vaccine Mandate blunder. Could it get any worse? Yes.
The post Trump, Biden/Harris/Big-Pharma/Big-Celebrity cluster fuck campaign to demonize and bully bully bully the un-vaxd, who simply wanted their decision to remain unvaccinated respected; Big, BIG, Lethal and Disabling Mistake! Alas, we, the un-vaxd, have been vindicated big time, yet neither Trump, Biden or Harris, nor the celebrity cheerleaders, have apologized to We the People, whether un-vaxd or not, for the unnecessary death, disabilities and small business decimation they are 100% responsible for via those very same lockdowns and vax mandate protocols that hit labor hard. Nor has most of the Indi or Trusted News Initiative media syndicate admitted their enabling, complicit role in the covid chaos by supplying abundant, targeted censorship and media cover for the attempted coup. No wonder their paid subscriptions continue to plummet. They have clearly shown that their allegiance is to their corporate sponsors, NOT to the truth, not to their former subscribers, We the People. What a horrible example this cesspool of corrupt government, media and medical OAF-ficials are showing to the world. Yet, they wonder why trust in them and their corporate friendly economic policies has hit new lows as murder and manslaughter lawsuits are being considered throughout the world, especially in Japan and Australia, for mRNA vaccine attributed deaths and disabilities. The data is speaking, the lawyers are moving in.
Fortunately for our labor force, whether skilled or unskilled entry level, as I’ve said in previous posts, their services are going to be in demand for far into the foreseeable future… pending mischievous, unforeseeable circumstances like magnetic excursions, nuclear war or our nearest star (the Sun!!) going black swan micro-nova, of course. By way of Naomi Wolfe, “Ed Dowd points out that a million Americans are identifying themselves as disabled every month, post injection…”. It seems the covid vaccine/gene therapy side effects continue to be a backhanded blessing for able bodied labor due to the unfortunate side effects experienced by many many of the covid jabbed guinea pigs who have been forced to leave the work force, often permanently, and seek government disability assistance, courtesy of experimental, “brought to you by Pfizer”, Moderna, J&J and Astra Zeneca, mRNA “vaccine” mandates.

By the way, unfortunately, even we the un-vaxd are kinda sorta jabbed due to the vaxd “shedding” of spike proteins and lipid nano’s, a phenomenon that shows traces of the mrna vax in the bodies/blood of the unvaxxed. What this means, if anything, is still unknown. We’re all plandemic guinea pigs after all!! According to FLCCC Dr. Pierre Kory, “It truly is unimaginable that we now must consider the risks (and reality) of “shedding” of the vaccine products from the vaccinated to the unvaccinated. This now has implications for nearly every human being walking the earth, vaccinated or unvaccinated (including me).” I think it might be prudent to keep on eye on the whereabouts of Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci for the foreseeable future just in case We The People need to subpoena them for further questioning.
As for immigrant labor, whether they be legal or illegal, strong demand may require Trump, should he be elected/inaugurated, to go 180 on his stated aversion to immigrants due to Main Street small businesses and major US corporations telling him to “Back off Buster! We need able bodied workers!! Hmmm, I heard yer good at making fries”. Paraphrasing GW Bush, “immigrants… doing the jobs Americans are too proud/uppity to do”, since we’ve been long time college ed indoctrinated to avoid any trades/occupations where getting dirty, getting sweaty and working with your hands is involved. God forbid!! Behind the scenes, corporate employers, the US Chamber of Commerce, etc, are going to be fighting existing (and Trump) restrictions on legal/illegal immigrant labor due the potentially desperate situation on the near future horizon. Long on demand, but short on (qualified, English speaking) supply – Economics 101 – is only going to get worse going forward.
Under a Harris administration, expect fast immigration processing friendliness and perhaps a blind eye to illegal immigrants, similar to the Reagan administration, until he decided to grant amnesty to all illegals before leaving office; his way saying “fuck you!” to organized, uppity, union labor. Who knows, under Elon’s influence, Trump might also go the illegal immigrant amnesty route. As the documented trends in worker disabilities increase on the one hand, and the documented decrease in live births and fertility rates continue to fall on the other (see my previous posts), which also seem to be attributed to the timing and rollout of the covid jabs, doing the math, a forecast negative net trend in labor availability can only mean… this might be an excellent time to ask the boss for a raise!
“Huh?! The second time this month?!!! Well Mr/Ms Smartass, this might be a great time to sell the business and retire to my undisclosed underground bunker!” It seems “interesting times” will be with us for quite a while.
Alas, It seems the Medical Industrial Complex’s Vaccination Habituation agenda has finally hit a major obstacle – The Truth! The Covid Coup has been wonderful for exposing decades old vaccination marketing and promotion (> habituation!) for the unsafe and defective, smoke and mirrors snake oil that they actually are. What REALLY amazes me – why has no one asked, during the entire Covid Coup, if vaccines are so “safe and effective”, why did they need to be indemnified (not liable) from vaccine injuries and death by the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, passed by CONGRESS (!!!) and signed into law by Reagan in 1986? Since when does “safe and effective” anything need indemnification?! Junk science, anyone? For the record, the 1986 Vaccine Injury Compensation Program conveniently does not cover the covid mrna vaccines. If you’ve been injured by the mandated covid vax, you need to make/file your claim with the intentionally understaffed (personal opinion), “don’t call us, we’ll call you”, CICP. It’s payout rate for covid vax disability/injury claims, as of now, is about .5%. By Plandemic design?
Below are some recent qualified quotes and links with my commentary that continue to make the case that “Help Wanted PLEASE!!”, ain’t going away anytime soon, despite what the mainstream media economists on Pfizer’s pay-rolla may be telling you.
“Scarf Lady” Dr. Deborah Birx Now Says Thousands of Americans Could Be Vaccine Injured by the COVID Shot (VIDEO) (CDC alters vaccine definition during covid?! Shhhh!!!) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft 5/24. Decimation of US/G20 labor? Ya think? Like I’ve been saying, “Help Desperately Wanted!” ain’t gonna be with us for a while. The cat is now out of the bag!
Policy Shifts Against The mRNA Platform Rapidly Emerged This Past Week – Dr Pierre Kory 9/21/24Hospital labor and doctor shortage due to covid vax iatrogenic side effects finally recognized/acknowledged?! Yes!!! Only the un-vaxd need apply for jobs at hospital coming next?!… “Applications for both short and long term disability have risen so much they have created backlogs and delays that staff have noticed and are more openly talking about. The often young ages of the staff applying for disability has not gone unnoticed either.”… “So it must be the case that Ohio State leadership somehow found themselves a stronger financial disincentive to subjecting employees to Covid-19 vaccine injection. Where would such a disincentive come from? Answer: lawsuits. I also suspect that fear of worsening staff shortages from disability and/or death further disrupting operations played a role as well”, says FLCCC’s Dr. Kory.
Yesiree, nothing better than lawyers in lawsuits to get the Medical Industrial Complex to straighten up or bend over!
By the way, the Inconvenient Epidemic of “short staffed” on the increase across many/most labor sectors from construction, to health care/hospitals to law enforcement to the US military, as documented above and below… all thanks to the devastating effects of the “Safe and (De)ffective” covid vax!. It doesn’t get any better/worse than DR Kory above. The dam has officially broken at the most truth resistant hospital/doctor level. Un-vaxd labor will continue to be in high (highest?!) demand as workforce for both skilled and unskilled labor continues it’s decline of plain old, able bodied workers. “Old, but able bodied?! Yer Hired!! When can you start diggin? We have an opening for digging out dirt. We have an opening for digging thru data.”
By the way, our US Military currently has to reject as “unfit for service”, 70% of applicants, typically young adults. Not good. Wicked reflection on Dr Franken-Fauci and Dr Peter Ho Ho Hotez track records as America’s go to Health Czar’s. Can you say “national security crisis”, “brought to you by Pf Pf Pf Pfizer”?!
Keep Calm and Carry On: 2024 Midyear Construction Outlook – Electrical Contractor Magazine 7/24 “the need for labor hasn’t changed. Simonson (associated general Contractors of America) thinks contractors wanted to hire twice as many people as they were able to. He highlighted contractors having trouble finishing multifamily projects”. However, “if inflation continues, and in the absence of regular Fed rate cuts, forecasters predict a dramatic construction slowdown leading into 2025.” (8/13/24)
Hmmm, if if if the Fed announces inflation has declined (to X %, ideal rate?), does this suggest a boon for construction into 2025? Speculative “Build and they will come” idiocy, just like Commie China Evergrande’s multi-unit boom burst, despite the fact that the trend of excess deaths in the general population continue to be way above the mean?!! Extrapolating the excess death rate into the future, could Main Street USA see the possibility of American Dream home ownership for all by 2027 due to a massive drop in demand?! Japan, anyone? Dismal Dave predicts!
From the February issue of ECM, “the biggest issue for workforce development, however, is not training – it’s recruitment. The problem facing telecom and fiber optic employers is the same faced by all trades. We have an aging workforce and recruiting replacements is woefully inadequate. We are only getting part of what we need to maintain the current workforce size, meaning the workforce will shrink”, and skilled labor, especially in demand!
US Building Industry Struggling to Fill Available Skilled Worker Positions – The Epoch Times 10/24 “The nation’s builders not only have to contend with the dilemma of high interest and insurance rates but they also have been increasingly burdened by a distinct lack of skilled construction workers and specialty trade contractors, such as plumbers, welders, electricians, and HVAC technicians.”… “The result, according to Flynn, is that the building industry has to slow down expectations of meeting the needs of Americans desperate for more affordable housing.” Paul Flynn, director of National Electrical Contractors Association… “Business owners should recognize that this tight labor market is going to last and will not resolve itself in the next 10 years,” said Flynn, noting that one of the moves the NECA is making is to reach out to immigrants.”
“Will not resolve itself for the next ten years”??!! Yessiree, Trump’s “deport all immigrants!!” policy ain’t gonna be very popular with the construction industry, etc. My what a fine mess the Fauci/Gates, Trump/Biden, DoD/EUA covid vax has got us into! Construction Help Wanted indefinitely?! Immigrants welcome!
Oh, by the way, in case you didn’t notice in my Dismal Dave bio, I’m a California, licensed General Contractor, having spent a good ten years doing full on kitchen remodel labor and tight management with some nice decks on the side, then gravitating to selectively doing kitchen cabinet installs and handyman surgical services to the present. Skin in the game? Oh Yeah. And a bit knowledgable with the single family home real estate market and private equity/AIRBNB exploitation as well. We’ll get to that.
No signs of US labor market deterioration as job openings rebound – Reuters 10/24. “Resignations were the lowest in four years, a sign that Americans are growing less confident in the jobs market.” Or is it a sign that labor is finally able to pick and choose the best work/job available and then decide to stick around to enjoy the experience of a job they finally enjoy? Less labor turnover. Yes, demand will migrate between sectors but overall, Help Desperately Wanted continues!!
And finally, The Needle and The Damage Done (heh heh, a jab for Neil!). Labor disability claims continue to mysteriously increase. Covid Vax-O-Nation Habituation, anyone?…
New data is out on COVID vaccine injury claims. What’s to make of it? (ICSAN V-Safe FOIA. CDC Busted! CDC squirms!!) | Reuters 10/12/22
Mind you, this article was published in 2022, at the height of the Mandate Craze. “ICAN crunched the numbers on its own and came up with some statistics that its lawyer says appear to be “alarming”… It indicates that, at a minimum, hundreds of thousands of people experienced health events (VAERS) that they considered “severe” following the shot and sought medical care.” OMG!! But but, “safe and effective’! “According to ICAN, 7.7% of the v-safe users (adverse events reporting site) 782,913 people — reported seeking medical attention via a telehealth appointment, urgent care clinic, emergency room intervention or hospitalization following a COVID-19 vaccine.”… “About 25% of v-safe users said they experienced symptoms that required them to miss school or work or prevented them from doing other normal activities, according to ICAN’s dashboard that summarizes the results.”, ie, as this trend continues, many many are soon to qualify for unemployment/disability payments due to Trump’s unsafe and defective EUA vax and Biden’s/Hartmann’s/Simmons/Kimmel’s “Get Vaxd NOW, you Un-Vaxd Piece of Shit!!” BULLY mandates! If this is not a crime against the American taxpayer, a crime against Main Street small business, a crime against humanity… what is? And this post was over a year and a half ago! Many many many more injury claims have been made since then while all remains guilt and remorse ridden silent from the covid narrative pushers.
Your Honor, I rest my case. I wish the defense best of luck. (heh heh heh) Let us allow the Tidal Wave of Truth to sweep the junk, voodoo, vaccine “selective science” off the planet and into the molten core of the Sun and take all those who choose to remain loyal to Kamp Vax Happy with it!. Amen. Good bye Fauci, Good bye Gates, Good riddence Ho Ho Hotez!
Next – Part 2 of the Q4 24/Q1 2025 Flea Market Forecast – The Proper Application of Band-Aids to our Housing and Homeless Crisis
Dismal Dave Lancon © November 2024. All Rights Reserved.
PS. I don’t do social media, but if you’ve enjoyed and/or learned sumthin from this post, please share it w ALL your social media buddies. Greatly appreciated! See ya at the Fleas!